




1.一整月 60. the writing competition 作文竞赛 61. the whole month 整个一个月,一整月 62. work on 致力于,从事某方面的工作 ...

2.整个一个月 60. the writing competition 作文竞赛 61. the whole month 整个一个月,一整月 62. work on 致力于,从事某方面的工作 ...

3.全月 ... year of the tiger 虎 年 the whole month 全 月 the same month,that very month 当 月 ...


1.At the meeting, the president comes out with the scheme in the whole month, including four tech cathedras about hardware.会议上,主席公布了整个技术活动月的策划——四次技术讲座:硬件讲座。

2.Truly though, the whole month would be great for any sort of career action.诚然,虽然,整个月将是任何伟大的事业的行动排序。

3.I took the ticket with me for the whole month, and now I am going to take a picture with it.一个月以来我一直随身带着演唱会的门票,现在我要跟它合影留恋。

4.Although it did not rain for the whole month, there is a pttle water in the pond.虽然整整一个月没下雨了,但池塘里还有一点水。

5.A: Nobody took the garbage out of my office for the whole month I was away and there were rats in my office when I got back.我一个月不在,竟然没有人把我办公室的垃圾倒掉,而等我回来时,办公室里竟然有耗子。

6.The column to the left containing pnks for selecting a week or the whole month.位于左侧的列,包含用于选定某周或整月的链接。

7.The whole month will bring opportunities to make new friends and to take the pressure down to a manageable pace.整个5月都是结交新朋友的机会,且压力降至可控水平。

8.Back in Beijing, I collapsed, for the whole month.回到北京的我倒下了,整整一个月。

9.Mercury will be retrograde the whole month of September, a configuration that will cause one delay and frustration after another.水星将逆行整个9月份,形势可能会一个接一个拖延,或者造成挫折。

10.Oh yeah. It loses only a few seconds in the whole month.噢,是的。它一个月只慢几秒钟。