




1.剽第六题 (C) 得→的 ; (D) →(a-pin)我也是国考生 偶然看到了你的分享.(小敏) 你好: 请问你的普通心理学-((o50203) 欢迎到我的 …


1." Later he said, " I am still trying to do it, but now I want to put it all on the head of a pin.后来他又说:“我还在尝试,但现在我想将人类所有的历史集中放在一枚大头针帽上。”

2.He is so narrow-minded that if he fell on a pin, it would bpnd him in both eyes.他心眼非常小,如果摔倒在一根针上,会刺瞎两只眼睛。

3.You could have heard a pin drop when he finished. Even the show's moderator didn't have anything to say for a few moments.当他说完,你连一根针落地的声音都能听到,就连节目主持人也一时无语。

4.The padlock in the Keychain Access GUI is just a GUI feature, it does not relate to unlocking smart card items with a PIN code.padlock在密钥链访问图形用户界面中只是一个图形用户界面特征,不涉及到用一个PIN码解锁智能卡条目。

5.Node : A pin or lead to which at least two components are connected through conductors .节点:至少两个元件通过导线连接在一起的插脚或引脚。

6.DURING the past 20 years even a bpndfolded monkey with a pin should have found it easy to make money.在刚刚过去的20年中,既是一个被罩住眼睛的猴子,也可以通过一个别针来判断投资机会以获利。

7.The spoony button was a Full Dress button a cadet used to give to his girlfriend, the equivalent to the modern A-Pin.痴情的纽扣是正式的晚礼服的纽扣,学员经常会送给他的女朋友,它就像现在的大头针。

8.The concept of trade in tasks can be traced to Adam Smith's description of the division of labour in a pin factory in 18th-century Britain.任务贸易的概念由来已久,可以追溯到亚当•斯密(AdamSmith)对十八世纪英国别针工厂劳动分工的描述。

9.Yi, dressed in a pin-striped suit and silver tie, was also looking forward to playing in an area with a large Chinese-American community.穿条纹西服、搭配银色领带的易建联表示,他很希望能在有大批华裔侨民的地方比赛。

10.KMTA lock nuts can be tightened using a pin wrench with a stud to engage one of the holes in the circumference .KMTA锁紧螺母可使用销式扳手固定,这种扳手带一个爪手,可插入圆周上的孔中。