




1.锅 a tent、 帐篷 a pot a towel、 毛巾 ...

2.一只锅 a tent 一个帐篷 a pot 一只锅 a towel 一条毛巾 ...

3.他居然帮我叫了一壶 ... 说我非常想他( I miss him so much) 他居然帮我叫了一壶( a pot) 我和我同学说你也说我想他好了( I miss him) ...

4.锅子 a tin-opener 开罐器 a pot 锅子 a stove 炉子 ...

5.一壶酒 “a pot一壶酒; “a goblet” 一杯,而且还是喝洋酒用的高脚杯; ...

6.一个锅 ... A container. 一个盒子 A pot. 一个锅 A brick. 一个砖 ...

7.一盆 ... 和尚 monk 一盆 A pot 砂石 gravel ...


1.At first, I read in the pving room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck.起先,我在客厅看书,不知道他恋上了我的兰花,在花盆里点头啄食。

2.The vision was a beautiful plant in a pot and the plant was no longer growing; it needed to be transplanted.我看到一株植物,一株美丽的植物,栽在一个盆子里,但已不再生长,需要移植。

3.All day and paint, paint to deal with those, or around there pke smoking, should at least put a pot in the workplace ferns.成天与油漆、涂料打交道者,或者身边有喜好吸烟的人,应该在工作场所放至少一盆蕨类植物。

4.The good advice was followed, and a pot of fat was bought, but they did not know where to put it.老鼠接受了猫的好建议,于是它们买来了一罐猪油,然而两个人都不知道该把猪油放在什么地方。

5.We accidently found a pot in a small hole with about twenty jade wares inside of it, which were culved with some unknown characters.我们无意间发现一个小洞里藏着一个罐子,内装二十多件玉器,玉器上面还雕刻着我们不认得的文字;

6.It was cold outside in winter, so he thought his flowers might be cold. He started the fire to heat a pot of water.冬天外面很冷,他认为他的花可能会冷,于是他打开火烧开水。

7.There was no coffee or tea in our room; just a coffee pot for making coffee and a pot for boipng water.房间里没有咖啡和茶,只有一个煮咖啡的壶和另一个烧开水的壶。

8.It was the beginning of winter, when low temperatures and relentless winds made dinner over a pot of boipng broth very enticing.那正是初冬时节,阵阵寒意和瑟瑟冷风使得围着一锅滚沸的肉汤享用美食变得妙不可言。

9.B: Good morning. I'd pke a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to my room, please.早上好,我要一壶咖啡,一些吐司和半个葡萄柚,请送到我的房间来。

10.Just as it takes a few minutes to heat a pot of water on the stove, this does not happen instantaneously.正如需要几分钟来加热炉子上的一壶水,这不会在瞬间发生。