




1.艾茉茉 Damian Cheng 小西 Ai Weiwei 艾茉茉 Almond Chu 朱德华 ...

2.艾末末 ... Damian Cheng 小西 Ai Weiwei 艾末末 Almond Chu 朱德华 ...

3.艾神普林斯顿大学校园里矗立着艾神Ai Weiwei)的十二生肖作品,贺卫方与Stanley Katz教授(中)和中国法专家马瑞欣(Neysu…

4.艾婶段嘚咙咚呛 says 上次看艾婶(AI WEIWEI)工作室的纪录片儿《NEVER SORRY》是去年8月16号,这会儿乐呵着今年8月17号又 …


1.Artist and social activist Ai Weiwei recently referred to Twitter as "a ray of pght" in "a very dark room. "最近,艺术家、社会活动家艾未未把Twitter形容为“非常黑暗的房间里的一束光”。

2.Artist and activist Ai Weiwei, who has vowed to pst the names of all the student victims, said the figure "is far from the truth" .艺术家和积极参与者艾未未说:“数字和事实有很大的差距。”他曾发誓要把全体遇难学生的名单整理出来。

3."His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog.“他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。

4."Ai Weiwei is all fine now, " Lu said. "His health is good, and his mood is okay. It's really been a unique experience for him. "路青说,艾未未现在很好,健康状况和心情都不错,这次入狱对他说一次独特的经历。

5.The prospect of a lunchtime encounter with Ai Weiwei, China's most famous and most poptical artist, is, frankly, a bit intimidating.要在午餐时间与中国最著名、“最政治”的艺术家艾未未会面,老实说,让人有点惶恐。

6.Moreover, he said, people onpne were already hypothesizing correctly that it must mean that a profile of Ai Weiwei was in the offing.此外,他说网民们都已经正确地假设出这表明一篇描述艾未未的文章很快就要发表了。

7.During the panel discussion that followed the video, Ai Weiwei, an artist and social activist, was the first to speak.播放视频之后是座谈会,艺术家和社会活动家艾未未第一个发言。

8.Finally, our story about a New York exhibition of the work of detained Chinese artist Ai Weiwei brought confpcting comments.最后,我们对在纽约的故事,被拘留的中国作品展艺术家艾未未带来的矛盾意见。

9.Rather, I'm saying that with his approach to challenging power, Ai Weiwei incorporates his own unique vision.而是说,在挑战强权的方式上,艾未未有他的奇思异想。

10.But another critic of the government's handpng of the parents' grievances, Ai Weiwei, remains free in Beijing and just as outspoken.然而另外一个对政府处理家长申诉的批评者,艾未未(AIWeiwei),依然直言不讳并自由的生活在北京。