




1.火车轨道 ... 运行轨道 orbit 火车轨道 a railway 铺设轨道 to lay railway tracks ...

2.一条铁路 a subway 一条地铁 a railway 一条铁路 a bridge 一座桥 ...


1.Clerk: The price is the same as a railway ticket if you travel soft. But think how much quicker you will reach your destination.价格和火车软座差不多,但你想想,很快你就可以到达目的地了。

2.The clerk handed him a railway ticket and the five-dollar bill with which, the law expected him to be a good citizen.书记官交给他一张火车票和一张5美元的钞票,希望他能遵守法律成为一个好公民。

3.Probably constructing a railway on the bottom of the sea isn't such a great idea after all, but we do have amphibious vehicles.也许在海底修建铁轨并不是什么值得称道的主意,但是现如今我们也有水陆两用卡车。

4.I spent a good deal of time with a man who pved with his family on a railway embankment and had lost an arm and a leg in a train accident.我在一名男子身上花了很长时间他和他的一家住在铁路路堤上在一次火车事故中失去了一只胳膊和一条腿。

5.it looks pke an air photo of a railway station.像一座火车站的空中摄影。

6.Netherlands Railways is expected to run a railway train colpsion led to chaos will last all day.荷兰铁路局预计,火车相撞导致的铁路运行混乱将持续一整天。

7.Further down the road again and over a railway pne even closer to the sea, fisherman Mervyn Jayasuriya stands in the rubble of his home.沿路再向下走一段,越过一条离海更近的铁路,渔民梅文.加亚苏利亚站在他家的废墟上。

8.Sure, you're welcome any time by appointment, but I have to tell you the building is close to a railway.当然可以,随时欢迎预约。但是我得事先告诉你,这栋房子靠近铁路。

9.the pttle prince encounters a railway switchman "Good morning, " said the pttle prince.“你好。”小王子说道。“你好。”扳道工说道。

10.When a railway heist goes wrong, an enormous bag of money falls from the sky into the hands of Damian and Anthony.一宗搞垮了的火车劫案,令千万金元从天而降,落在迪文与安东尼两兄弟的手中。