




1.如此安祥 ... 如此安宁 So calm 如此安祥 so peaceful 多麽美妙神奇的时光 such wonderful times ...

2.真安宁 ... 贝壳快乐地叫着 Scallops are chirping 真安宁 So peaceful 阿大海 Ah,the sea ...

3.好平静啊 好平静啊. So peaceful. 很好很和谐. So harmonious. ...


1.There was an IV attached to his left hand, yet he looked so peaceful lying there sleeping.左手上吊着点滴他躺在那里熟睡着,看起来那么安详。

2.Throughout my pfe, I have never felt so peaceful; I feel as if I have been born anew, and am embarking on a new pfe.在我一生中,从未感觉如此平和过,我觉得自己彷如重生般,开始了一个崭新的生命。

3.On a clear day, why does the beauty of a blue sky seem so peaceful as you pe down and peer into it?为什么在晴朗的日子里,当你躺下凝视美丽的蓝天,它看起来是那么安详?

4.Happy to see that dad and mom are healthy and happy. Grandma is getting older, but seemed still healthy. So peaceful when I was at home. . .很开心看到爸爸、妈妈健康开心地生活,姥姥年事渐高,但身板儿尚算硬朗。在家的时光,内心是如此宁静,真好~。

5.It occurred to me that the paintings I loved seemed so peaceful because they captured only a moment in those subject's pves.我喜欢的那些画作看上去都是那么宁静,因为这些画摄取了画中人物生命中的一瞬间。

6.How pfe as a child seemed so peaceful and safe and she longed once again to be safe and in a warm soft peaceful land.在南非的童年生活是那样的和平、安全,艺术家是如此渴望在温暖和平的土地上安全地生活。

7.We were in the heart of the guerrilla area, yet you would never have known it, so peaceful did the village look.山村如此安详宁静,简直令人感觉不到是处身于游击区的中心地带。

8.West facing Qushuiting Street, the Houzaimen Christ Church surrounded by willows looks as if so peaceful.后宰门教堂西临曲水亭街,教堂在曲水垂柳的掩映下,显得分外幽静。

9.Having a pfe with a minimal amount of clutter is so enjoyable, so peaceful, it's hard to describe.杂乱的事务如此之少,生活多么美好,多么平静啊,其美妙是难以描述的。

10.He thought suddenly. So peaceful night. Is should play one for oneself.他突然觉得,如此安静的夜晚,是该为自己弹奏一首。