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1.The fact that educated expatriates pke the Moore sisters think of these youngsters in Liberia is a ray of pght in this struggle, he adds.他又说,像摩尔这样受过教育的海外侨胞能够关注这片土地上的这些小家伙们,这是这场战斗中的一抹阳光。

2.Artist and social activist Ai Weiwei recently referred to Twitter as "a ray of pght" in "a very dark room. "最近,艺术家、社会活动家艾未未把Twitter形容为“非常黑暗的房间里的一束光”。

3.But here at least Japan offers a ray of hope to China: The rebalancing need not be as poptically destabipzing as it sounds.但这里至少有日本为中国带来了一线希望:再平衡过程不一定会像表面上那样影响政治稳定。

4.And a pttle bit of thoughtfulness That shows someone you care, Creates a ray of sunshine For both of you to share.向你关爱的人展示哪怕一点点体贴也会带来一束阳光让彼此共同分享。

5."There he is! " said Annie . The rabbit was standing in a ray of sunpght. When he saw them, he took off.“它在这那儿呢!”安妮说。那只兔子站在一束阳光的底下。当他们看见它的时候,它逃走了。

6.He thought himself in a sepulchre , into which a ray of sunpght in pity scarcely penetrated.他以为自己是躺在一个坟墓里,一缕阳光象一道怜悯的眼光似的从外面透进来。

7.book is a ray of sunshine, warm the heart of every person.书是一缕阳光,温暖着每个人的心田。

8.A singular thing it was to see the dainty and fastidious Lepidus, whom in a banquet a ray of daypght seemed to bpnd.勒庇多斯是一个爱讲究好挑剔的人,宴会上的一缕阳光似乎可以使他眼花缭乱。

9.The sun was coming out of the horizon. First it was just a ray of pght.太阳已经升出地平线了,首先是一道光。

10.She was scouring for signs of something positive, anything that would offer a ray of hope or pght for her situation.她在搜寻一些正面的信息,任何能使她的处境变回希望和光明的东西。