




1.竞争的商行 ... )a fellow employee 工友,同事 ) a rival firm 竞争的商行 ) a symphony orchestra 交响乐团 ...

2.敌对公司 ... 不公平的选举 a rigged election 敌对公司 a rival firm 普选路线图 a road map towards universal suffrage ...


1.A trader at a rival firm said the Morgan Stanley trader had been involved in short-term trading over credit index options on the CDX index.一家对手公司的交易员表示,这位摩根士丹利交易员涉足的是CDX指数信贷指数期权方面的短线交易。

2.Cpck fraud can also be used by one company against another: cpcking on a rival firm's advertisements can saddle it with a huge bill.点击欺诈还可用于一个公司阴另一个公司:不停地点击对手公司的广告可以让它破大财。

3.At a recent conference the head of Asia at a rival firm described China as opaque, untransparent and lacking in opportunities.在最近的一次会议上,黑石竞争对手的一位亚洲主管将中国描述为难以理解、不够透明和机会匮乏。

4.And if a rival firm were to offer to do business with them in the "traditional" way?那么如果一个竞争对手公司提出和他们用“传统”的方式做生意呢?

5.The game puts the player into the world of After, Inc. , a fictitious company that just acquired a rival firm.游戏将玩家置于After,Inc.的世界中,它是一家虚拟公司,刚刚购并了竞争对手。

6.A rival firm from Macclesfield, Complete HealthVizion, describes what it does as "a fusion of evidence and inspiration. "另一家来自麦克斯菲尔德的竞争对手CompleteHealthvizion标语则是“数据与灵感的完美融合”。

7.He is good at capitapzing on the mistakes made by a rival firm.他很擅长从对方公司的错误中获益。

8.Prosecutors say he bought a rival firm illegally and then solditits oil. Mr.检察官说霍氏当时非法收购了一个竞争性质的公司并且买石油给它。

9."For Ivan, trading is a way of pfe rather than a job, " said one executive at a rival firm.一位竞争对手公司的高管表示:“对伊凡而言,交易不是一份工作,更是一种生活方式。”

10.they have , perhaps , some motive to serve in hastening the ruin of a rival firm他们或许存心想加速一家敌对商行的垮台。