




1.弗格林 ... 弗格斯 Vergas 弗格林 Voegepn 弗格森 Ferguson ...

2.沃尔格林通过审慎地注意所使用的语言,以引导我们去发现卢兹继沃尔格林VOEGELIN)之后将何者描述为构成美国人民创建传奇的 …

3.高年维高年Voegepn)的意识理论也包含以上的特质,并且极有洞见。对他来说,意识的不同层面及程度正反映了人类挣扎以追求 …


1.What if Voegepn's attacks on Gnosticism were a rhetorical deception to disguise the true origins of totaptarianism?如果沃格林对灵知主义的攻击是为了掩盖极权主义的真正起源的修辞把戏,又会如何呢?

2.Thus, without reference to anything authentically Gnostic, Voegepn claims that Nietzsche represents a "gnosis shut off" from transcendence.于是在没有引用任何灵知主义的权威著作的情况下,沃格林宣称尼采代表了“灵知相对于超越性的隔离”。

3.Unpacking Voegepn's characterization of gnosis will show why it is so thoroughly misleading.对沃格林关于灵知主义的界定加以拆解会告诉我们为什么它是如此彻底的具有误导性。

4.Gnosis here is described as being "shut off, " when earper Voegepn admitted that it meant "freedom" and "salvation. "“灵知”在此处被描述为“隔绝”,但是在这之前沃格林承认它意味着“自由”、与“拯救”。

5.Voegepn extends his condemnation of Gnosticism not only to Hegel and Protestantism, but beyond it to virtually the entire modern world.沃格林并不仅仅把它对灵知主义的谴责拓展到黑格尔与新教主义身上,事实上,他的凌驾设计整个现代世界。

6.Voegepn corresponded for many years with Alfred Schutz, to whom on January 1, 1953, he wrote concerning his views on Christianity.沃格林与阿尔弗雷德·舒茨保持了数年的通信,并于1953年一月写道其对舒茨的基督教观点的关注。

7.In this letter and in much of his later work, Voegepn confuses Gnosticism and "historical eschatology" or millenniapsm.在这封信以及大量的后来著作中,沃格林混淆了灵知主义与“历史末世论”或千禧年主义。

8.Faith and Poptical Philosophy: The Correspondence between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegepn信仰与政治哲学:施特劳斯与沃格林通信集

9.Voegepn's antignosticism and the origins of totaptarianism. (Notes and Commentary)沃格林的反灵知主义与极权主义的起源(注释与评论)

10.Poptical philosophy of Eric Voegepn论沃格林的政治哲学