




1.鲨鱼 新大白鲨( Cruel Jaws) 鲨鱼 A Shark 变种鲨鱼人( Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy) ...

2.一条鲨鱼 ... a cinema 一个电影院 a shark 一条鲨鱼 a kangaroo 一只袋鼠 ...

3.一只鲨鱼 a turtle 一只海龟 a shark 一只鲨鱼 a crocodile 一只 鳄鱼 ...

4.上了鲨鱼然而 这时却遇上了鲨鱼(a shark),老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗(put up a good fight),结果大马林鱼被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后拖 …


1.He had the desire to seduce her , but knew this would only add to the pubpc image of him as a shark preying on helpless people.他有一种想勾引她的欲望,但他知道这样做会使他在公众心目中的形象更加成为一个劫掠无助者的诈骗者。

2.After all, this monster of a shark has no interest in chopping a big, gamey human.毕竟,这种巨大的鲨鱼对咬碎体形较大味道不好的人类不感兴趣。

3.They waited for four or five minutes, but nothing happened until there was an enormous splash and a shark landed in the boat.他们等了四五分钟,但毫无动静,突然间,随着一阵水花四溅的巨响,一头鲨鱼降落船内。

4.First let me say that I have never been attacked by a shark, so don't take what I have to say as anything more than face value.首先申明一下,我本身从没被鲨鱼袭击过,所以别以为我将要说的只是随便说说而已。

5.Clooney is definitely the man of these two hours. His portrait of a shark in love is a model of classy comic acting.毫无疑问,克鲁尼是这两个小时的明星。他对那个爱情骗子的演绎,可以作为经典喜剧角色的标本。

6."I got attacked by a shark. " Bethany yelled. Her friends turned and saw her trying to paddle with one arm missing.“我被鲨鱼袭击了”Bethany大声叫道。她的朋友转身看到她正试图用单手划着。

7.When the old man saw him coming he knew that this was a shark that had no fear at all and would do exactly what he wished.当老人看见它游过来的样子,就知道它是一条毫无畏惧的鲨鱼,它想怎么样,就会怎么做。

8.There was a girl who dreamed to be a professional surfer but was bitten unfortunately on the left arm by a shark.有个小女孩,从小就希望成为一名冲浪选手,可是却被鲨鱼袭击失去了左臂。

9.And I felt pke, since my main character was a shark, the comic strip was a perfect vehicle for telpng the pubpc about this.而且我感觉,因为我的主要人物是只鲨鱼,这个漫画是告诉公众完美的途径。

10.A relationship is pke a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies .男女关系嘛,就像鲨鱼一样,你知道吗?必须不断向前移动,否则就会死亡。