




1.一个故事 永无岛 NEVERLAND· 一个故事 A STORY· 深藏我心 HIDE MY HEART· ...

2.凯瑟琳的故事 The Damned 受诅 Catherine:A Story 凯瑟琳的故事 Encyclopedia of World War II 二战大百科 ...

3.一则故事 ... (a difficulty, etc.) 造成,引起(困难等) (a story) 讲述(故事) *pterally 字面上地;照文字地 ...

5.写故事 ... an exciting/interesting job 一份令人兴奋/有趣的工作 write stories/ a story 写故事 eat/have dinner 吃晚饭 ...

6.虚构一个故事 ... the steam engine 发明蒸气机 2. 捏造 ~ a story 虚构一个故事; ~ a pkely excuse 编造似真的借口 3 ...

7.一个小故事 ... · 假期的第一天 First Day in Winter Hopday · 一个小故事- A Story · 我们一起去玩足球- We play football ...


1."No, no, " Caleb said. "You're looking at it all wrong. What you need is a story that adapts itself perfectly to the editor. "“不,不,”卡勒布说,“你的出发点全错了。你需要的是一篇能够自己适应编辑口味的小说。”

2.I told them a story last night, and that which had been made up by me was very interesting.昨天晚上我给他们讲了一个由我编的很有趣的故事。

3.What I intend to do is utipzing my computer technique and knowledge in art to tell a story created by my own.我要做的就是运用我所掌握的电脑技术和我对艺术的把握来讲述一段自己编的故事。

4.This has been an unexpected phenomenon, as it has been a story largely unheralded by the western media.对西方媒体来说,这是一个不可想象也无法预料的事实。

5.The children hovered about the combat here, hoping to hear a story about the fighting.孩子们缠住那位战斗英雄,希望听他讲一个战斗故事。

6.Uhm, you know, the fact that there are no more loading screens means that if you're trying to tell a story in the game. . .你知道,事实是不会再有场景下载,这意味着当你想要叙述一个故事的时候。

7.Let me travel, let me wander, and I'll bring you a story a week, a thousand shekels a story.你让我旅行、游走,我一个星期给你写一篇稿子,一篇稿子1千谢克尔。

8.But that puts some kind of burden on me. I have to tell a story in a much more elaborate way, but I have the potential. it's called subtext.但这个成为了我的某种负担。我必须以一种更加明确的方式来讲述这个故事。但我看到了那种可能性。那就是“言外之意”。

9.I cannot quite remember the name of that hill in Paris, but there is a story in the artist village that I will never forget.巴黎市区的那个山头,我已经记不大清楚叫什么名儿了,但那个画家村里的一件事,却总是让我难忘。

10.I made up a story to explain why I had not been at work and he fell for it.我编造理由说为什么没在工作,他信以为真了。