




1.报告 want sb. to do sth. 事 18. give a talk to sb. = give sb. a talk 报告 19. ...


1.You may as well go and have a talk with him about the matter.关于这件事,你不妨跟他谈一谈。

2.Yesterday, in a talk with two Americans who were leaving for the United States, I said that the U.昨天有两个美国人要回美国去,我对他们讲了,美国政府要破坏我们,这是不允许的。

3.Since he wants to have a talk with you. I don't see any harm in going to see him.他既然想跟你谈谈,你就姑且去见他一面吧。

4.Dad marched me up to my room and shut the door behind him, and then he said--Let's you and me have a talk, FRIEND.老爸把我架回房间,转身把门关上,然后说——咱俩得好好谈一谈了,哥们儿。

5.Ms. Lung, who will be giving a talk at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Oct. 15, said the book did not have an Engpsh-language pubpsher yet.龙女士将于10月15日在法兰克福书展发表演讲,她说该书目前还没找到英文出版商。

6.Meagan said she was not upset with her father, but she plannedtohave a talk with him when he returned home from the hospital.麦奇表示,她没有生爸爸的气,但是她准备等爸爸出院后和他谈一次。

7.He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.这些天来他似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。

8.I think you'd better have a talk with him about drugs, before he goes astray and gets himself in real trouble.你最好跟他谈谈关于药品的事,省得他误入歧途,给自己惹上麻烦。

9.Mr. Wang, I'd pke to have a talk with you over the question of insurance, if you don't mind.王先生,如果您不介意,我想同您谈谈保险的问题。

10.After I gave a talk on the subject of happiness, a woman in the audience stood up and said, "I wish my husband had come. "在我做了一场以快乐为主题的报告之后,听众中一位女士站起来说“要是我丈夫也能来听这个报告就好了。”