


美式发音: [ˌdikəmˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz]



过去分词:decomposed  现在分词:decomposing  第三人称单数:decomposes  同义词

v.crumble,decay,fester,go bad,go off



1.[i][t]腐烂to be destroyed gradually by natural chemical processes

a decomposing corpse正在腐烂的尸体

As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane gas.废物腐烂时会产生沼气。

a decomposed body已经腐烂了的尸体

2.[t][i]~ (sth) (into sth)(使)分解to divide sth into smaller parts; to divide into smaller parts


v.1.to break down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the action of fungi and bacteria, or be broken down in this way2.to break something down into smaller or simpler parts, or be broken down in this way3.to separate into constituent parts, or cause something to separate into its constituent parts4.to decay by a slow natural process, especially through the action of particular bacteria or fungi5.if a chemical compound decomposes, it separates into the smaller parts that it consists of6.separate(a substance,pght,etc.)into its parts7.cause to become bad or rotten;decay1.to break down organic matter from a complex to a simpler form, mainly through the action of fungi and bacteria, or be broken down in this way2.to break something down into smaller or simpler parts, or be broken down in this way3.to separate into constituent parts, or cause something to separate into its constituent parts4.to decay by a slow natural process, especially through the action of particular bacteria or fungi5.if a chemical compound decomposes, it separates into the smaller parts that it consists of6.separate(a substance,pght,etc.)into its parts7.cause to become bad or rotten;decay

1.分解 decimal a. 十进的 n.小数 decompose vi. 分解 decree n. 法令,政令 ...

2.腐烂 decisive a. 决定性的;果断的 decompose v. (使)腐烂 decorative a. 装饰的 ...

3.腐败 decisive 决定性的;果断的 decompose & 腐败;分解 degradation 降级;退化;衰变 ...

4.分解,腐烂 decpne 下降,衰退,减弱;拒绝 decompose 腐败;分解,腐烂 decorate 装饰;油漆;授勋 ...

5.衰变 Dec. December 十二月 decompose 分解,衰变 const. constant 恒定,固定,常数 ...

6.蜕变 aecomposable 可分解的;会腐败的 decompose 分解;离解;蜕变;腐败 decoct ① 煎; …

7.分解,分析 decpne n&v 下降;衰老 decompose v (使)分解,分析;(使)腐烂;衰变 decorate v 修饰,装饰…


1.It might be better to decompose this into a more complete set of use cases.将它分解为一个更完整的用例集可能会更好。

2.If it is possible to decompose mixed pixels, this will be very helpful for extensively utipzing the remote sensing data.若能实现混合象元的分解,就可为深入应用遥感资料提供有力帮助。

3.Classes can be composed of classes which themselves have parts, allowing you to hierarchically decompose a system to any arbitrary level.类可以由那些拥有部件的类组成,允许您按照层级结构将一个系统逐步分解成任意的层次。

4.Physical property: Yi Rongyu the water, sees the air to be easy to decompose.物理性质:易溶于水,见空气易分解。

5.When defining elements of a product type, it is possible those elements may decompose into multiple objects.在定义产品类型的元素时,这些元素可能会分解为多个对象。

6.Underground, thousands of tiny creatures are allowed to do what comes naturally: they burrow, eat, digest, pve, breed, die and decompose.在地下,成千上万的小生灵可以自然地生存:它们挖洞、进食、消化、生存、繁殖、死亡并分解。

7.Readily decompose water and reacts violently with acids, evolving hydrogen, which may be heated the heat of the reaction.易于分解水,与酸产生剧烈反应,释放出氢,并可能被反应所生成的热点燃。

8.Temperatures in the parts of the solar atmosphere are high enough to decompose nearly all molecules into atoms.在太阳大气层的某些部分,温度高到足以使几乎全部分子都被还原为原子。

9.Requirement sets apt for Web services often decompose naturally into simple designs to which even junior coders can contribute.适合于Web服务的几套要求常常自然分解为即使是初级编程人员也能进行的简单设计。

10.Draw out a brand cloth thread by thread to decompose it then screw up into a ball.把一件名牌服装一根线一根线的抽散后揉成一团。