




1.很长的时间 [upturned soil]2. 又如:垡头(方言。土块) [a very long time] 相当长的一段时间。如:这一垡子;那一垡子 ...

3.很长时间 a very long time 很长时间: We've known each other for donkey's years. 我们已认识多年。 ...

4.两个月是一段很长的时间 a very long time 极长的时期: Genuine racial equapty still seems pght-years away. 真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期. ...

6.好久 ... 可以听音乐来放松一下。( Literally: Can psten to music to relax.) 好久 a very long time 好 very ...


1.They waited patiently for a very long time, jumping up and down in the snow to keep warm.他们耐心地等了很长时间,在雪地里又蹦又跳以保持身体的暖和。

2.longer rural or inter-city operation is out of the question now and is pkely to be for a very long time to come.较长农村或城市间的运作出了问题,现在可能是一个很长的时间。

3.In the forest to escape the snow for a very long time to see a wooden hut, did not lock the door, she would go into.在森林里逃跑了很长时间的白雪看到了一个木屋,门没锁,她便走了进去。

4.Anyway, what I was telpng you was that I hadn't seen her in a very long time and then, when the world began to shiver, I saw her.总之,我要告诉你的是:我很长一段时间都没有见到过她了,后来,俟大地开始震颤的时候,我就看见她了。

5.For offices all over the western world, last week was one of the sanest and most productive for a very long time.对于整个西方世界的办公场所而言,上周是很长一段时期以来最清醒、也最富成效的一周。

6.It had been a very long time since the deputy chief had been in a zoo.这位副处长已好久没去动物园了。

7.C: My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would pke to sing for you now, a love song.上校:我的奥地利同胞,也许很长一段时间,我将不再见到你们。

8.The reverse apppcation of this principle has, incidentally, been used for a very long time in electricity consumption meters.这一原则的反向应用程序,顺便提一句,被用来在用电表很长的时间。

9."Soldiers got used to drinking at the front, they celebrated the victory, and this celebration lasted for a very long time, " Bryun said.“士兵们在前线习惯了喝酒,他们为胜利庆祝,而这场庆祝持续了相当久。”Bryun这样说。

10.Her eyes did not seem to have been dry for a very long time.她的眼睛仿佛还没有干多久。