




1.祝愿者 ... ravisher 抢夺者,强奸者 wisher 祝愿者,希望者 josher 开玩笑的人,戏弄者 ...

2.野火 ... recoba( 雷科巴-漂流) wisher( 野火) goodbird( 睡懒觉的鸟) ...

3.威斯尔 商标文字: 诺菲尔 NOFEAR 商标文字: 威斯尔 WISHER 商标文字: 吃不厌 CHI BU …

4.卢开宇卢开宇Wisher)李响(Emily) 刘新铮 (Hunter) 秦晓林 (Kevin)


1."You must be very generous, " he said, handing a bunch of bananas to a well-wisher.“你一定得慷慨,”他边说边拿了一串香蕉给一个送行者。

2.Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town.引用一位匿名祝福者送给我的T恤上的话,进化,是地球上最伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。

3.You can hold your own for beauty against any woman of these parts, gentle or simple; I say, it to you as a practical man and well-wisher.就凭你的美丽,你都可以把这一带任何一个女子比下去,无论出身高贵的还是出身贫贱的;我是作为一个务实的人和一个好心人才对你说这话。

4.ensuing sound far off was a "bumpily" . Aha Q and Mr Wisher were giggpng , and gone without a backward glance.随后听见远处扑通一声,阿Q和王胡呵呵直笑,便头也不回地去了。

5.He could rarely take a few steps before being stopped by someone wanting an autograph, a well-wisher or a reporter.他几乎不能走开,因为有很多的坏有善意的人或者是记者拦住他要签名。

6.I have heard many wish that they had been more intermixed also: for my part, I am no wisher, and think it much better as it has happened.我也听到许多人希望他们能有更多的混和。至于我自己,我是现实的,我认为现在这样更好。

7.Watching the hugging and kissing and good-bees, he wisher he had someone to miss him.目睹着拥抱、亲吻和告别的场面,他也希望有个人来想念他。

8.An anonymous well-wisher bailed the prisoners out.一个不留姓名的好心人把那些在押犯保释出来了。

9.Here i appreciate the well-wishing from every well-wisher.在此我感激所有陌路的祝福。

10.He wisher he could speak Engpsh as fluently as native Americans.他真盼望能说像当地老美一样流利的英文。