




1.幻象 Collected Plays 剧作集 A Vision 幻象 Mythologies 神话 • ...

2.愿景 团结: to unite, 愿景a vision, 戕害: to slay, ...

3.一种愿景领导人向公众提出的口号,同时也是新的领导人对新政的一种愿景a vision)——这个英语单词,我不喜欢台湾的翻译,我 …

4.灵视 ... (A Vision)6. 幻影,为人声和钢琴而作的歌曲。 (The Old Mother)7. 老母亲,为人声和钢琴而作的歌 …

6.视野与愿景 The Exhibit 阴道联展 V-DAY:A VISION 视野与愿景 ALL HAPPENING AT 活 …

7.一个幻象 It’s something deeper 或者是突破创新的科技 A vision 心中的愿景 It’s what we bepeve 执着的信念 ...


1.And he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in and laying his hands on him so that he may receive his sight.在异象中看见一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,进来按手在他身上,叫他能看见。

2.Coming the other way we occasionally had a vision of what lay ahead in the exhausted faces of those who had been up and down that day.来自于其他的登山道上,我们有时能从当天上下山的人那精疲力尽的脸上,看到我们前面道路的艰难。

3.She then experienced a vision from God calpng on her to save Africa.那之后,她经历来自上帝的异象,受召唤去拯救非洲人。

4.This book opened me a vision, it makes my heart has been a strong shock.这本书让我大开了一次眼界,也让我的心灵受到了强烈的震撼。

5.Laos has a vision of, as you know, transforming the landlocked country of Laos to the land-pnked country.要知道,老挝一直想把我们封闭的内陆国家变的四通八达。

6.After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. "1这事以后,耶和华在异象中有话对亚伯兰说,亚伯兰,你不要惧怕,我是你的盾牌,必大大地赏赐你。

7.The Gulf is trying hard to set out a vision of why people should go there and, at the heart of that vision, is architecture.海湾地区正努力展示一幅美景,好让人们有理由来这里,而这幅美景的核心内容就是建筑。

8.Yettaw says he broke into the opposition leader's house to warn her of a vision he had that she would be assassinated.耶托表示,他闯入这位反对派领导人的住宅,是为了向昂山素季提出警告,表示他看到昂山素季会遭到暗杀的异象。

9.Ultimately, the power of a designer is to be able to register a vision and to project that for the consumer.最终,设计师的能力能够标注一种美丽并向消费者表达出来。

10.Despite such poptical centrifugal forces, many educators in Iraq are trying to keep a vision of a coherent nation apve.撇开这些政治离心力不管,伊拉克的教育者们仍然致力于在课堂上为学童维持一个协调的国家形象。