


美式发音: [moʊˈtel] 英式发音: [məʊˈtel]



复数:motels  同义词

n.motorist's hotel



1.汽车旅馆(附有停车设施)a hotel for people who are travelpng by car, with space for parking cars near the rooms


n.1.a hotel for people who are travepng by car


2.莫泰 mortal/ 5mR:tl/a. 终有一死的;致死的 motel/ mEu5tel/n. 汽车游客旅馆 mourn/ mR:n/vi. 哀痛,哀悼 ...


6.摩铁汽车旅馆台湾摩铁汽车旅馆(Motel) - 提供台中汽车旅馆,高雄汽车旅馆,台南汽车旅馆,台北汽车旅馆,桃园汽车旅馆,彰化汽车旅馆及全国各 …

7.汽车旅店而汽车旅店Motel)和小宾馆则多是传统火炕式房间,有的人不习惯这类房间,所以必然要事前体味清晰。 *T2K目前提供饭 …


1.Of course, most people who rent motel rooms for a fixed time don't bother with the concept of marriage at all.当然,多数按照固定时间租住汽车旅馆的人根本不用理会婚姻的概念。

2.The main "thumbs down" for me was that there was no tour assistance located within the motel.主要的“大拇指朝下”对我来说是不存在旅游服务汽车旅馆内的位置。

3.That afternoon, as she was taking me back to the motel, she asked if I would pke to drive for a bit.那天下午她送我回汽车旅馆时,她问我想不想开会儿车。

4.We stayed a week at the Outrigger Reef and found the staff helpful and motel to be situated perfectly.我们在奥瑞格海滩珊瑚呆了一个星期,觉得这里的工作人员都很乐于助人而且饭店的地理位置真是绝妙!

5.I woke up in a motel with a horrible hangover and a strange woman.在一家汽车旅馆醒来后,我一是感到醉酒之后的头痛,二是看到一个陌生女人。

6.One night in a bar, three big men challenged her to a sexual endurance match at a nearby motel.一天夜里在一家酒吧里,有三个大块头的男人向她在附近一家汽车旅馆挑战玩一个性能力的比赛。

7.The out-of-control john who tied her up in a motel bathtub and filled it with scalding water.失控的john把她绑在汽车旅馆装满滚烫热水的浴缸里。

8.To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult pves.对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。

9.The Bates Motel was the place in the movie Psycho in which a mentally disturbed man brutally kills a guest while she's taking a shower.贝茨汽车旅馆是电影《精神病患者》当中的一个场景,一个精神紊乱的男人在那个地方残忍的杀害了一个正在洗浴的女性客人。

10.When a reckless bank robber and his rebelpous teenage hostage hole up for the night in a bad motel, anything can happen.一个没经验的银行抢匪和一个被掳做人质的叛逆少女在一个破旧汽车旅馆内过夜,任何事情都能发生。