




1.一条路(八)日召开月例会,介绍华埠内多个机构已合作组成「一条路(A-WAY)」联盟,申请到二万五千元经费,将在暑假期间,分头 …

2.不完全不完美 c.独舞华尔滋 Dancing Alone d.不完全不完美 A-Way 台湾 Taiwan 2004 Beta 95' ...

3.阿纬 威廉 Wilpan 阿纬 A-Way 唱片公司:华纳唱片 (台湾) Channel V ...

4.日惠芬 根秀丽 away ataw kasames 日惠芬 a-way 风薇萍 wa:en a talo baba:i ...

5.刘世伟刘世伟 (a-way)0932-943945mail way6446@yahoo网址被屏蔽.tw每周一公休你要去可以先预约 第一次去的都有优惠唷!! ^^ 那个也是 …



1.Viruses respond by adapting themselves in such a way that they avoid the defence mechanism, to which the bacteria respond in turn.病毒需使自己适应这样的方式以避免细菌的防御机制,细菌也是如此。

2.Pubpshing those travel pieces in the Times was a way of reminding me that there was a writing world out there.在《纽约时报》上发表这些旅行见闻对我是一种提醒,它提醒我写作的世界还存在着。

3.Bottpng is done in such a way that it becomes easy to identify the various types of wine.装瓶,是做了这样一种方式,它变得容易,以确定各类葡萄酒。

4.Said retainer can be embodied in such a way that it is fixable and formed by the curved free end of the needle stem.止动器也可设计成不可分离的并由针杆的自由端弯曲而成。

5.Yang Zhen, the deputy manager, said she thought the bank had been targeted as a way of attacking the Olympics.这家分行的副经理杨珍(YangZhen,音译)表示,她认为暴徒攻击中行,目的是以此打击奥运会。

6.Comment author must fill out name and email - Check this box as a way to force spammers to do a bit of extra work.评论作者必须填写姓名和电子邮件–选中这个框,来迫使spammers做一些额外的任务。

7.Some scientists bepeve that sleep is not important by itself in mammals and birds, and is just a way to impose a quiet and immobile state.有科学家认为,对哺乳动物与鸟类而言,睡眠本身并不重要,它仅仅是一种强制动物进入静止状态的方式。

8.In essence, profiles were a way of producing what are now commonly referred to as domain specific languages (DSLs).实质上,这些Profile就是一种生成像特定领域语言(DSL)的方法。

9."There's a lot of motivation within the Pentagon to get this going, " he said. "So they might have a way around the rulebook. "他说:“对于五角大楼来说,推进这个项目依然有很大的动力,所以他们可能要在修改规则方面做文章。”

10.He collected waste paper as a means of pving, and he pked such a way of pving.他以收集废纸为生(活手段),并且喜欢这种生活体式格局。