


网络释义:荒井;新井;Automotive Research Association of India


1.荒井 (kawashima) 川岛,182,282 (arai) 荒井,183,280 (oosawa) 大沢,183,280 ...

2.新井tification organization, automotive research association of india(ARAI) is present in Pune.

4.荒井工业 美国 Bell 日本 Arai 日本 Shoei ...

6.新井车手4 Impreza翼豹 WRX STI spec C V-pmited 2005 由新井车手ARAI)调校 (参考参展车)5 Impreza翼豹运动型轿车1.5i-S…


8.荒井真一通常行为艺术表演都会有数个纪录版本,譬如说,日本行为艺术家荒井真一Arai)的《Happy Japan》,於世界多处地点都表 …


1.As he latched the box of supppes to the back of his bike, Arai explained that he had given up on Sendai.在他把装着补给品的纸箱捆在摩托车后的时候,他解释说,他已经放弃去仙台了。

2.Now, young employees are cautious about giving too much of themselves -- even if it means less money or prestige, Dr. Arai says.现在,年轻的上班族对此谨慎了,就算这意味着更少的名利,Arai博士说道。

3.Ms. Arai and Ms. Tahara, who mediate disputes, say one of the biggest issues is hair clogging up the shower drain.喜多和田原经常调解合租中出现的矛盾,她们说最大的纠纷之一就是头发阻塞了浴室的下水道。

4.At the store, Miki Arai packed what few supppes were available into a cardboard box.商店内,MikiArai把所剩无几的一些补给品装入纸箱。

5.Each apartment that Ms. Arai and Ms. Tahara redecorate is done with a concept in mind.田原和喜多装饰的每一套公寓都有一个主题。

6."It's too far, there's no gas to get back, and it's easier to reach to evacuated tsunami victims closer to Fukushima, " Arai said.他说:“仙台太远了,我没有足够的汽油再从那儿回来。而在福岛更容易遇到疏散后的海啸幸存者。”

7.Ms. Arai and Ms. Tahara interview all of the potential tenants before they sign a lease.在签署租赁合同之前,田原和喜多会与所有的可能租客进行面谈。