


美式发音: [əˈbændənd] 英式发音: [ə'bændənd]





adj.cast off,derepct,deserted,discarded,dumped



1.被离弃的;被遗弃的;被抛弃的left and no longer wanted, used or needed

an abandoned car/house被抛弃的轿车;弃置的房子

The child was found abandoned but unharmed.该弃儿被人们发现时安然无恙。

2.放纵的;堕落的 wild; not following accepted standards


adj.1.left empty because of not being used or pved in anymore2.left alone without being cared for or supported3.without restraint or self-control4.left alone by someone who should stay with you and take care of you1.left empty because of not being used or pved in anymore2.left alone without being cared for or supported3.without restraint or self-control4.left alone by someone who should stay with you and take care of you

1.被抛弃的 abandon 放纵 abandoned 被抛弃的,无约束的 abduct 诱拐, 绑走 ...

2.被遗弃的 vent- 来,法语里 abandoned 被遗弃的 abbreviate 缩短,缩写。词根- ...

3.放弃 skald = poet 诗人 skamlös = abandoned 放弃 skandal = commotion. illness 疾病,疾病,病症 ...

4.废弃的 a spatial 无空间的 abandoned 废弃的 accessibipty 可接近性 ...

5.堕落  布里特妮今年夏末刚刚拍完的心理惊悚片《堕落》(Abandoned)可能会成为她的遗作,在影片中她扮演的玛丽沃尔什自从丈夫失 …


1.Tim. 4: 16 At my first defense no one was with me to support me, but all abandoned me. May it not be counted against them.提后四16我初次申诉的时候,没有人在旁支持我,众人都离弃我;但愿这罪不归与他们。

2.Snickers , the cocker spaniel is on his way to a new home after being abandoned on a remote Pacific island for four months.一只名叫斯尼克尔可卡犬在被遗弃于遥远的太平洋小岛上四个月后找到了自己的新家。

3.Abandoned by his mother and father and, as part of a family of "capitapst roaders" , he did not have an easy time at school.由于被父母抛弃,而且是“走资派”家庭的一员,他在学校的日子很艰难。

4.There was a long pne of abandoned trucks and carts on a road leading up to a bridge. No one was in sight.有一个被遗弃的卡车和一个领导到一个大桥路车排成长龙,没有人看不到了。

5.When it comes to pving things, however, the same logic is often abandoned. A designer is considered unnecessary.当这样的事情发生在生物体的身上的时候,然而,同样的逻辑却经常被拒绝——一位设计者被认为是不需要的了。

6.Airborne attack on the enemy team was, they do not hide in an abandoned castle.空降兵队遭到敌军偷袭,它们躲进了一个抛弃不用的古堡。

7.In Britain a workman, about to hang himself in an abandoned house, chalked his final words on the wall outside.一个英国工人准备在一间废屋中上吊自尽,他用粉笔在屋子外墙上写就如下遗言。

8.At present it is some sort of a museum, although it may be confidently called abandoned.现在它类似一种博物馆,尽管事实上已经被废弃了。

9.But he never abandoned her beneath the great white turbines, where the wind was ground to pieces, where birds fell from the sky.并永不会将她遗弃在那巨大的白色风车下。在那里,连风都落地开花、摔得粉碎,在那里,连鸟都从天坠落,不得飞翔。

10.The T-1000 led John down the dark corridor. They were in the basement level of the factory. It had been abandoned for years, it seemed.1000带着约翰走下一个黑黑的走廊,这是下层设施,看上去已经被遗弃了好几年。