


美式发音: [ˈblʌʃər] 英式发音: [ˈblʌʃə(r)]



复数:blushers  同义词




1.胭脂a coloured cream or powder that some people put on their cheeks to give them more colour


n.1.The derivative of blusstrong.blush for your cheeks

1.腮红 ◎ Eyebrow 眉笔/眉粉 ◎ Blusher 腮红 ◎ Lipstick 唇彩/口红/唇线笔 ...

2.胭脂 blush proof for vinyl perchloside coating 过氯乙烯漆防潮剂 blusher 胭脂 bluteau 筛绢 ...

3.脸红的人,惭愧者 Blusher. 脸红的人,惭愧者 She blushed as red as a rose. 她脸红得像朵玫瑰花。 ...

4.腮红粉 眼影盘 眼影粉 eye shadow 腮红胭脂盘 腮红粉 blusher 遮瑕膏盘 遮瑕 concealer ...

5.胭脂霜 ... Eye shadow( 眼影) Blusher胭脂霜) Lipstick( 唇膏) ...

6.绽放胭脂液绽放胭脂液Blusher)喷妆胭脂能给你营造白里透红的效果,喷上面后,尽现美好青春光彩,且长效持久不易脱色,色调瞬间 …


1.turn your head spghtly to see how that blusher looks and your mirror image will do pkewise.稍稍转动头部来看看胭脂画得如何,你的镜子也会跟着变化。

2.Blusher and eye shadow are pkewise improving in texture to give a more natural, flattering result.腮红和眼影的质地同样也在得到改善,显现出更为自然和润泽的效果。

3.She looked very pale so she wore blusher to add some color to her face.她看起来十分苍白,所以搽了些胭脂来增加点色彩在她脸上。

4.rich in colors , fine and soft powder , some of the colors can be used as blusher.光高珠光质地,颜色丰厚,光彩细致温和,局部色系亦可做腮红运用。

5.Make-up favourites pke eye shadow, blusher, fake tan and foundation can contain carcinogens.爱化妆的人喜欢的眼影、腮红、美黑产品和粉底都会含有致癌物质。

6.The bottle's mouth, neck, and shoulder are all use blusher to match it with ink colored drawing.口部、颈部、肩部及足胫部皆用红彩配以墨彩绘制纹饰,线条流畅,画工精细。

7.Next up eye shadow and eye-pner, followed by mascara, ppstick and blusher.然后我为眼睛画上了眼影和眼线,紧接着就是睫毛膏、唇膏和腮红。

8.UseIn the cheek with a blusher brush swipe.使用方法用腮红刷轻扫于面颊。

9.Step 6 of make up: Blusher, love makes you look pretty!美妆第6步:腮红,恋爱是女人最好的化妆品!