




1.阿比亚蒂等众多话剧作品。1993和2003年,他凭借《茶花女》和《逃奴》获得意大利评委会大奖阿比亚提(ABBIATI)歌剧奖,这也是意 …

3.阿比亚提奖花女》设计的舞美方案获得了1993年意大利大奖——阿比亚提奖(ABBIATI)的褒奖,并于2009年10月23日-25日在佩尔戈莱希 …

4.艾比亚迪 ... 28. 尼安 Niang 1. 艾比亚迪 Abbiati 2. 艾米利亚 Amepa ...


1.At the start of the season, the idea was that of considering Abbiati as the starter, Dida as second goalkeeper and then Storari.在赛季开始的时候,我是考虑让阿比亚蒂成为主力,迪达作为第二门将,而斯托拉里作为第三门将。

2.Asked why he wanted to leave Milan this summer, Abbiati declared: "After seven years I wanted to leave; I felt myself going backwards. "记者问道阿比亚蒂为什么今夏离开米兰,他唉声叹气:“度过了不爽的七年,我早已厌烦。我感觉我在走下坡路。”

3.On the pitch we always suffer, maybe we defended a bit too low, but even Abbiati was good to save us in various situations.在球场上我们经常会遇到些障碍,或许有的时候我们的防守球员偏矮,但是在这个时候阿比亚蒂就做得非常不错。

4.I would start from Christian Abbiati who finally returned to us.首先我要说终于回家的克里斯蒂安-阿比亚蒂。

5.Abbiati is proving to have more confidence and courage.阿比亚蒂越来越有自信和勇气了。

6.Concerning goalkeepers , Milan have three at home and three on loan: Storari, Abbiati, and Coppola, we are full of goalkeepers .对于门将,米兰有三个在家,三个租借:斯托拉里,阿比亚蒂和科波拉,我们有足够的门将。

7.Once Milan accept this deal, Juventus will turn over Abbiati to Palermo together with now Benfica forward Fabrizio Miccop.一旦米兰接受交易,尤文就会将阿比亚蒂和目前正效力本菲卡的前锋米科利一起送到帕勒莫。

8.Any sale of Buffon will depend on Juve seapng a permanent deal for Abbiati with AC Milan.有关布冯的任何买卖将取决于尤文能否永久买下AC米兰的阿比亚蒂。

9.Both Abbiati and Dida are nice lads and it's great to work together during training, it helps us improve.阿比亚蒂和迪达都是好样的,一起训练感觉很棒,能相互提高。

10.It's a pity because Abbiati was having a great season.这实在令人痛心,因为阿比亚蒂这个赛季的表现实在是太出色了。