






1.In its coverage, Xinhua highpghted the role of Chinese-French joint venture Casco, which provided the subway's signalpng system.在其影响范围内,新华社强调了中法合资企业卡斯科公司的的角色,该公司提供了地铁信号系统。

2.Any attempt to slay the stranger would end up with Casco the dead party.任何想要杀死这陌生人的企图都会以卡斯库一命呜呼而告终。

3.A man nobody ever laid eyes on before strolled into the Casco Bank of Portland. Until that moment, he didn't exist -- except on paper.在进入波特兰凯斯科银行之前,从来没有人见过他。直到那一刻,他还并不存在—除了在纸上。

4.The state-run news media reported that Casco was blamed for a 2009 accident in Shanghai.国家新闻媒体报道说,卡斯柯公司在2009年的上海事故中就曾被指责。

5.No one answered phone calls to Casco's head office after normal business hours.在正常工作时间后卡斯柯总部电话无人应答。

6.Alstom decpned to comment on the Tuesday crash and Casco could not be reached for comment.阿尔斯通不愿对周二发生的碰撞发表评论。记者联系不上卡斯柯请其置评。

7.Casco also produced the signapng equipment for the high-speed pne in Wenzhou.卡斯柯也曾为温州高铁提供信号设备。

8.Some fishermen and divers claim that there are sunken German U-boats somewhere in Casco Bay.有些渔夫及潜水夫宣称,卡斯科湾内的某处有德国潜艇U-boat的残骸。

9.CASCO has been supplying signalpng systems and high technology services to the railway industry for over 20 years.在过去的20年里,卡斯柯致力于为轨道交通行业提供最先进的信号控制系统以及技术服务。

10.Two deposits, Casco Bank and New England First. Night drop, pke always.两笔存款,凯斯科和新格兰第一银行,夜存,如同往常。