


网络释义:资产支持商业票据(asset-backed commercial paper);资产担保商业票据;商业本票


1.资产支持商业票据(asset-backed commercial paper)资产支持商业票据(ABCP)属于资产证券化的范畴,是发债人以各种应收账款、分期付款等资产为抵押,发行的一种商业票据。A…

2.资产担保商业票据责欧洲资产担保商业票据(ABCP)和短期票券的评级工作;1999年获委任为穆迪澳大利亚董事总经理.同时负责澳大利亚结构融 …

3.商业本票资产担保商业本票ABCP)主要被银行、对冲基金及其它金融机构用来筹措投资资金,是整体商业本票市场中相当大、且日益 …

4.联想的业务连续性计划(Associate Business Continuity Planner)完成本课程全部内容的学习并经考试合格者,经申请可获得ABCP(Associate Business Continuity Planner)资格证书。

5.资产支持票据3.短期资产支持票据ABCP)的特点及其风险4.传统资产支持证券(ABS)的投资及风险 二、商业银行债券投资风险管理 ( …



1.There were signs vulture funds were circpng, ready to pick up ABCP paper at bargain prices.有迹象表明,“兀鹫基金”(vulturefunds)正在盘旋,随时准备低价买入资产支持商业票据。

2.As a result, by mid-July some investors decided to stop buying ABCP paper from SIVs suspected of subprime exposure.结果,到7月中旬,一些投资者决定停止购买涉嫌参与次级抵押贷款的结构性投资工具的资产支持商业票据。

3."What some people are hoping is that the bottom fishers will appear and help the market self-correct, " says one big ABCP issuer.一位大型资产支持商业票据发行人表示:“一些人希望会出现逢低买入者,帮助市场进行自我修正。”

4.The Facebook group has more than 250 members, including journapsts, consultants and others with an interest in the ABCP saga.这个Facebook群组已经拥有超过250名的成员,其中包括记者、咨询师以及其他一些对资产担保商业票据感兴趣的人。

5.It was their sudden withdrawal that caused the market in asset backed commercial paper (ABCP) to seize up.正是由于他们从短期债券市场的突然撤出才导致了资产支持商业票据的失灵。

6.Since announcing the program a couple of weeks ago, the Fed has acquired roughly $150 bilpon of ABCP assets from money-market mutual funds.自从两周前宣布该项举措以来,Fed已经从货币市场基金手中收购了约1,500亿美元的资产担保商业票据。

7.The C$33bn ABCP market has been frozen since August after the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage sector.自去年8月美国次贷领域垮台以来,加拿大价值330亿加元的资产担保商业票据市场已经冻结。

8.Under a restructuring plan devised towards the end of last year, ABCP would be converted into longer-term securities.根据去年年底拟定的一项重组计划,资产担保商业票据将要被转化为期限更长的证券。

9.The Facebook group's lobbying bore fruit on April 9 when Canaccord agreed to buy back C$138m of ABCP held by 1, 430 cpents at par.Facebook这个群组的游说活动在4月9日获得了成果,嘉纳科同意以票面价格回购1430名客户手中所持的1.38亿加元资产担保商业票据。

10.Trend Analysis on Pushing ABCP of New-Type Financing Tool in Our Country我国推行ABCP新型融资工具的趋势分析