


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɑbdul]





1.阿卜杜勒 马哈默德( Mahmoud) 阿卜杜勒Abdul) 卡伯里上校( Colonel Carbury) ...

2.阿布杜尔 Jackson,Michael 杰克逊,迈克尔 Jeelani,Abdul 吉拉尼,阿卜杜尔 Johnson,Eddie 约翰逊,埃迪 ...

4.阿卜杜力 vujicic 杂谈 abdul 阿卜杜力 ronaldo c罗 ...


6.阿巴度阿巴度Abdul)其实是阿布.亚尔(Abd Al)的讹误,后面再加上亚尔哈兹瑞德(Alhazred),两个定冠词亚尔(Al)就会重 …


1.Abdul-Jabbar: He is still doing rehab. I don't know when he is coming back. The Lakers want to give him as much time as he needs.贾巴尔:他还在恢复中。我也不知道他什么时候会复出,我们想给他足够的恢复时间。

2.FAO senior economist Abdul ceremony Sae Ba Xian, said: "the high oil prices and food prices continued to form a vicious cycle. "粮农组织资深经济学家阿卜杜勒礼萨·阿巴西安说:“油价和粮价持续居高,形成了恶性循环。”

3.Also, confidential documents released by WikiLeaks revealed that Abdul Hadi had been a source of considerable amounts of information.另外,维基解密上泄露的机密文件透露伊拉奇是一个重要的消息来源。

4.A spokesman for the rebel National Libyan Council, Abdul Hafidh Ghoga, said the group is not prepared to negotiate.反对派利比亚国家委员会的发言人,阿卜杜勒·哈飞迪·洪噶称,该组织尚未准备谈判。

5.Abdul-Jabbar: It takes a while for you to get back your timing and your response to game conditions.贾巴尔:找回比赛状态肯定是需要时间的,这和每天打球的确不一样。

6.In his blog, Abdul Mohmmad writes that he once gave, "If I were the President" as a topic for an essay to his four students.AbdulMohmmad在博客提到,他有次以「如果我是总统」为题,希望四位学生写篇作文

7.With some help from Kareem Abdul Jabbar, his hard work paid off as he has emerged as one of the top young centers in the league.在贾巴尔的帮助下,他的刻苦训练终于收到了成效,让他在本赛季成为NBA最好的年轻中锋之一。

8."Its not pke there much to do around here, " Abdul Kareem said. "Its perhaps the only venue to express ourselves. "阿布杜勒·卡里姆说:“这里没有更多的事可做,手机可能是我们表达自己心声的唯一场所。”

9."It's not pke there's much to do around here, " Abdul Kareem said. "It's perhaps the only venue to express ourselves. "阿布杜勒卡里姆说:“这里没有更多的事可做,手机可能是我们表达自己心声的唯一场所。”

10.The next day, Abdul Hamid woke up without any feepng in the hands that had touched the grotesque cadaver.第二天,哈米德醒来的时候,碰触过尸体的双手没有任何感觉。