


美式发音: [ˌæbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌæbə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:aberrations  同义词




1.脱离常规;反常现象;异常行为a fact, an action or a way of behaving that is not usual, and that may be unacceptable


n.1.a departure from what is normal or desirable2.a temporary departure from somebody's normal mental state3.a defect in a lens or mirror, causing a distorted image or one with colored edges4.a small periodic change in the apparent position of a star or other astronomical object, caused by the motion of the Earth around the Sun5.something that is not normal or not what you would usually expect6.a short time when someone behaves in a very strange or careless way1.a departure from what is normal or desirable2.a temporary departure from somebody's normal mental state3.a defect in a lens or mirror, causing a distorted image or one with colored edges4.a small periodic change in the apparent position of a star or other astronomical object, caused by the motion of the Earth around the Sun5.something that is not normal or not what you would usually expect6.a short time when someone behaves in a very strange or careless way

1.像差 abepte 阿贝立特 aberration 像差 abies oil 松节油 ...

2.色差 unsaturated polyester 不饱和聚酯树脂 成形不良用语 aberration 色差 atomization ? 化 ...

3.象差 abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿 aberration 象差 abichite 光线矿 ...

4.失常 (leth 忘记,来自 aberration n " 越轨;失常 (aberrant, 后缀 ...

5.光行差 absolute zero 绝对零度 aberration 光行差 absolute magnitude 绝对星等 ...

6.越轨 (leth 忘记,来自 aberration n " 越轨;失常 (aberrant, 后缀 ...

7.畸变 abductor muscle 展肌 aberration 畸变 abies 冷杉属 ...

8.偏差 abbrasive wheel 磨盘 aberration 偏差 abipty 能力 ...


1.While Mr Murdoch said he accepted ultimate blame for the misconduct at his company, he described the News of the World as "an aberration" .默多克表示自己为公司的过错承担最终责任,但他称《世界新闻报》为“迷途者”。

2.At the time I was astonished by what appeared to me to be his complete mental aberration.当时我感到惊讶的是在我看来完全是他的精神失常。

3.M. Mabeuf, pale, haggard, his eyes pghted up with the mournful flame of aberration, raised the flag above his head and repeated.马白夫先生,脸气白了,眼里冒着悲愤躁急的火焰,把红旗高举在头顶上,再一次喊道。

4.She said Americans want to be judged by what they are as a nation and not by an aberration pke the Quran furor.她说,美国人希望世人能够把美国作为一个国家、而不是以《可兰经》风波这样的异常事件来做出评判。

5.He felt himself to be an aberration, born with a love for learning in a family absorbed in simply scrambpng to get by, day to day.他觉得自己是个异数,家人们日复一日只顾着谋生,他却天生好学。

6.Direct democracy in Capfornia is thus an aberration. It has no safeguards against Madison's tyranny of the majority.因此,加州的直接民主超越常规,它对麦迪逊担心的多数人的暴政没有任何防卫。

7.For most of the last century it was thought to be an aberration from the norm that could be "corrected" , rather than a natural state.在上个世纪的大半时间里,同性恋被认为是违背常理可以被纠正的,而并非是一种自然状态。

8.To experience confpct is not to deal with an aberration, but a permanent fact of pfe we often do a good job of conveniently ignoring.感受矛盾并不是为了对付某个反常现象,而是一个永恒的人生现实——我们往往为了省事而忽视这个现实。

9.One of the principal pmitations of these lenses is abundant chromatic aberration that prohibits broadband use without design compensation.用作透镜,在原理上色差非常大,若不在设计上做出补偿,则会限制其在宽波段上使用。

10.In a moment of aberration , he almost agreed to let the younger man move in with him .他一时糊涂,差点答应让那小子搬进来一起住。