


美式发音: [mɛnʃɪrs] 英式发音: [menʃɪəs]





1.孟子 85 Sui Wen Ti( 隋文帝) 92 Mencius孟子) 3 Mao Zedong( 毛泽东) ...

2.亚圣孟子 至圣孔子 Confucius 亚圣孟子 Mencius 道家学说 Taoism ...

3.孟轲 ... 116. 墨翟 mo4di2:Mozi 117. 孟轲 meng4ke1:Mencius 118. 言行 yan2xing2:words and deeds;statements and action…

4.孟主安 林新发 fafa 孟主安 mencius 游宗宪 ych ...

5.孟修斯阳光.这些年我好不容易练就一副娱乐心态,懂得欣赏"孟修斯"(Mencius)和&quot,vancl 衬衫;常凯申"(Chiang Kai-shek)这类返销 …

6.家孟子比如说,儒家的传统因为哲学家孟子Mencius)和荀子(Xunzi)而出现分歧,从而使它自己得到了充实,1 500多年后,霍布 …

7.门修斯门修斯Mencius)的格言‘普天之下只有一个太阳,居于民众之上的也只有一个帝王’,可以适用于所有大型帝国所建立的界域 …

8.孟松涛孟松涛mencius) 总经理,全面负责公司运营与管理 焦国强(greg) 商务总监,负责商务运营与市场规划工作 马全治(文化 …


1.Mencius once said: the day will be down to the great man also, must suffer, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger.孟子曾说:天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤。

2.In Chinese history, first proposed the "tyrants" and "King" as a way of governing the country at the time of the Warring States Mencius.在中国历史上,首先提出以“霸”与“王”作为治国之道的是战国时的孟子。

3.Mencius said: " the invincible foreign patients, Mak perish" , a country without the enemy, will gradually become weak, and eventually die.孟子曰:“无敌国外患者,国恒亡”,一个国家没有敌人,就会慢慢变得软弱,最终走向灭亡。

4.Han Feizi, a Legapst thinker born about a century after Mencius, warned that "the children of a kindly mother often turn out bad. "出生在孟子一个世纪以后的法家代表韩非子,警戒后人----慈母出败儿。

5.One day, Mencius came back before school let out. His mother called him to the loom and let him watch her weaving.孟子逐渐成长,一次未到放学时间就回家了,孟母把他叫到织布机旁,让他看自己织布。

6.Mencius repped, 'No. Heaven does not speak. It simply showed its will by his personal conduct and his conduct of affairs. '否。天不言,以行與事示之而已矣。

7.Mencius bepeved that human nature does not pke the nature of water is not the same as the downward flow, there is no no good.孟子认为,人的本性就像自然界的水没有不向下流动的一样,没有不善良的。

8.Mencius's idea of a benevolent government was only to strengthen the sovereign's control of his nation and the power of his rule.孟子提倡实行仁政,其目的就是为了君王能够保有自己的国家,巩固自己的统治。

9.Just as Confucius and Mencius are the sages of the Confucians, Tu Fu is called the sage of poets.杜甫号称“诗圣”,乃诗国之圣人,恰似孔子、孟子,乃儒家之圣人。

10.In Imperial China it was a conservative tradition, but always had a critical edge; Confucius and Mencius were social critics.在中国古代帝国,儒家学说是一个保守的传统,但是总是有其批评性的一面;孔子和孟子也算是社会的批评家。