


美式发音: [əˈbet] 英式发音: [ə'bet]



过去分词:abetted  现在分词:abetting  第三人称单数:abets  反义词




1.~ sb教唆;唆使;煽动;怂恿to help or encourage sb to do sth wrong

He was abetted in the deception by his wife.他行骗是受了妻子的怂恿。


v.1.to assist somebody to do something, especially something illegal2.to help or encourage someone to do something immoral or illegal

1.教唆 abdicate 放弃 退位  abet 教唆 abet the commission of a crime bet 赌博  ...

2.帮助 abdomen 腹, 腹部 5 abet 教唆, 煽动, 帮助, 支持 6 abide 坚持, 遵守 ...

3.煽动 [make fun of] 戏弄;耍弄 [abet] 唆使;煽动 [be short-tempered] 食盐洒入火中发出迸裂之声。比喻性急容易发作 ...

4.唆使 [make fun of] 戏弄;耍弄 [abet] 唆使;煽动 [be short-tempered] 食盐洒入火中发出迸裂之声。比喻性急容易发作 ...

5.支持 abdomen 腹, 腹部 5 abet 教唆, 煽动, 帮助, 支持 6 abide 坚持, 遵守 ...

6.怂恿 Salubrious (气候等)有益健康的 Abet 怂恿,煽动 Candor 公正,率直,光明, …

7.美国工程与技术认证委员会(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)如美国工程与技术认证委员会(ABET) 的《工程教育认证标准2000》(Engineering Criteria 2000),已将评估标准转变成11 条 …


1.Such a theology could actually abet the good, increase the chances of a happy ending.这样神学能实际上教唆好,增加一个愉快的结尾的机会。

2.People-smuggpng is done with the consent of those involved; they have no further debt to the gangsters who abet them once they arrive.人口走私活动是经偷渡者允许进行的,一旦到达目的地就与怂恿他们偷渡的蛇头互不相欠了。

3.Attempted analyses of concepts in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, even where they fail, abet discovery.试图从必要条件和充分条件的角度来分析概念,即便失败了,也能有所发现。

4.More abhorrent is to connect shading very small also by abet unkennel, came to even that stain dog also be disincpned look you are one.更可恶的是连黑斑小不点儿也被教唆出洞,就连那斑点狗来了也懒得瞧你一眼。

5.abet: to help, encourage, or support someone in a criminal act.解说:教唆(犯罪),煽动,怂恿;支持,帮助,鼓励。

6."Abet" is usually found in "aid and abet" .“教唆”经常用在“怂恿并教唆”短语中。

7.The vigorous tour activities promote consumption, flourish economy, enrich people's pfe, and abet luxury as well.同时,旅游活动的勃兴促进了消费,繁荣了经济,丰富了人民生活,但也助长了奢侈之风。

8.Mast cells may also incite or abet conditions as diverse as atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, and migraines.肥大细胞也可能为多种疾病的产生和发作创造条件,如动脉硬化、风湿性关节炎、孤独症和偏头疼。

9.That's meant lower costs and faster trading, but it has also helped aid and abet the current crisis.这意味着低花费和更快的交易,但它同时也怂恿并教唆了当前的危机。

10.Finally I put forward the concept and abet the crime of constituent elements, and their differences with the relevant charges.最后笔者提出了唆罪的概念和构成要件,及其与相关罪名的区别。