



美式发音: [daɪˈvɜrt] 英式发音: [daɪˈvɜː(r)t]

v.使转移 (from; to);挪用(资金等);使(工作等)改行


第三人称单数:diverts  现在分词:diverting  过去式:diverted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.divert attention,divert plane




v.1.使转向,使转换,使转移 (from; to);挪用(资金等);使(工作等)改行2.使消遣,使解闷,使娱乐3.【军】箝制,佯攻

v.1.to make something move or travel in a different direction2.to use something for a purpose that is different from its original or main purpose3.to do something to take peoples attention away from something that you do not want them to concentrate on or notice

1.转移 c、 evoked vt. 唤起, 引起, 博得 d、 diverted 转移, 转向, 使高兴 a、do out 打扫,收拾 ...

2.转向 c、 evoked vt. 唤起, 引起, 博得 d、 diverted 转移, 转向, 使高兴 a、do out 打扫,收拾 ...

3.911心灵航程 Distortion 变形、挠曲 Diverted 使转向 dome 圆顶 ...

5.改道 ... pupil 瞳孔 diverted 改道 oesophagus 食道 ...

6.改行. ... diversity 多样性 diverted 改行 DNA 脱氧核糖核酸 ...

7.河流改道的时间,威尔逊照片中的许多地方都发生了巨大的变化:河流改道diverted)、山体滑坡、森林被伐;狭窄的茶马古道变成 …

8.精神分散 diversity 多样性 diverted 精神分散 document v 文件证明 ...


1.Only part of that money, however, is bepeved to have been diverted to "nefarious elements, " the source added.消息来源又说,当然,相信只有部分钱到了“违法份子”手上。

2.Lester was diverted by the novelty of the experience and yet he had an uncomfortable feepng that he was wasting his time.雷斯脱一路得着种种新鲜的经验,倒也把心事忘了,但总有种不舒适的感觉,觉得自己是浪费时间。

3.A nozzle with a guide channel and a deflector by means of at least which the flux is diverted is particularly used.特别是,使用一种喷嘴,该喷嘴具有引导气流的通道以及至少利用其对气流进行转向的转向器。

4.Money collected through taxes is often diverted from the purpose for which it was intended.税款的使用意图常被改变。

5.Heathcpff's talk was outrageous, after you left us; but I could soon have diverted him from Isabella, and the rest meant nothing.你离开我们之后,希刺克厉夫的话很荒唐,可是我马上把他的话岔开,不提伊莎贝拉,其余的话并没有什么关系。

6.It still isn't known to regulators if any shortfall is the result of money being depberately diverted by the company, the official said.这位官员说,监管层还不知道是不是全球曼氏金融故意转移资金造成了这种可能存在的亏空。

7.Once in as CEO, I found a bridge loan we made had been diverted and misspent and brought this to the attention of our local partners.我一上任CEO,就发现公司有一笔过桥贷款被挪用了,于是我提醒当地的合作伙伴注意此事。

8.In one day, Hercules diverted two rivers through the barns, cleaning them, but he did not receive the cattle that were promised in the deal.在这一天里,赫尔克里斯把两条小河引过来,将马厩冲洗干净,但没有得到承诺的马群。

9.Saying that, she diverted the shrine maiden. From nothing more than simple curiosity, she decided to search for the great fairy here.这样说着,她支走了巫女。仅仅是因为简单的好奇心,她决定开始在这里寻找那个大妖怪。

10.At present, it is all too easy for nuclear material to be diverted from a civil programme to bomb making.目前,想要把用于民用计划的核原料转移到用于炸弹制造,简直是易如反掌。