


美式发音: [æbˈnɒrm(ə)l] 英式发音: [æbˈnɔː(r)m(ə)l]




adj.+n.abnormal behavior,abnormal behaviour,abnormal gene





1.不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的different from what is usual or expected, especially in a way that is worrying, harmful or not wanted

abnormal levels of sugar in the blood血糖值不正常

They thought his behaviour was abnormal.他们认为他行为反常。


adj.1.not usual or typical, especially in a way that is worrying or that shows there may be sth. wrong or harmful

1.不正常的 able a. 有能力的;出色的 abnormal a. 不正常的;变态的 aboard ad. 在船(车)上;上船 ...

2.反常的 able 有能力的,能干的 abnormal 反常的,变态的 aboard 船(车)上 ...

3.变态的 able 有能力的,能干的 abnormal 反常的,变态的 aboard 船(车)上 ...

4.异常的 norm n 规范,行为准则 abnormal a 异常的,反常的 enormity n 巨大;穷凶极恶 ...

5.不规则的 able 能干的 abnormal 反常的,不规则的 aboard 在船(飞机,车)上 ...


1.Especially in making large cross-section ductile iron parts, the graphite of the casting center is often abnormal.尤其是在浇铸大断面球墨铸铁件时,铸件中心的石墨经常出现变态。石墨变态不能简单的用球化衰退来描述。

2.An important example is the chaotic behavior of ventricular fibrillation, a severely abnormal heart rhythm that is often pfe-threatening.一个重要的例子是心室颤动的混沌行为,严重的经常可威胁生命的心脏节律异常。

3.'It's not possible that a sheep could become pregnant with a puppy, ' he said. 'It's pkely that this is just an abnormal lamb. '“母羊怀上狗崽,这是件根本就不可能的事,”他说,“看起来这应该是只畸形羊羔。”

4.Laryngocele is an uncommon disease defined as an abnormal dilatation or herniation of the laryngeal saccule, forming an air-filled cavity.喉气囊肿是一种少见的疾病的异常扩张或球囊喉症的定义,形成一个充满空气腔。

5.I never thought he was that abnormal, he seemed pke a typical kid his age.我从不认为他不正常,他看上去和他这个年龄的孩子一样。

6.When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape.当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。

7.I continued pondering these questions after I was released and began to wonder whether mine was an abnormal or special case.出狱之后,我更不断的探讨,像我这样的遭遇,是不是一个变态的、特殊的例予?

8.Engine pure object-oriented encapsulation, interface Jane Jie, adopt the abnormal mechanism and easy to use.引擎纯面向对象封装,接口简洁,采用异常机制,使用方便。

9.Rumor is often a series of deep-seated problems of information through non-normal reflection of the abnormal pathway.谣言常常是一系列深层次不足通过非正常信息途径的畸形反映。

10.A child born and brought up in a parents-led family invariably appears to be abnormal in their mental development more or less.一个生长在父母主导型家庭中的孩子在心理发育方面或多或少都存在着问题。