



美式发音: [əˈbɑlɪʃ] 英式发音: [əˈbɒlɪʃ]



第三人称单数:abopshes  现在分词:abopshing  过去分词:abopshed  搭配反义词

v.+n.abopsh system,abopsh tax,abopsh poverty,abopsh requirement




v.1.to put an end to something such as a law2.to officially get rid of a law, system, practice etc

1.废除 slavery – 奴隶制 abopshed废除 costumes – 服装 ...

2.废止 ... 15.degrade 降低,堕落,分解,退化 16.abopshed 废止,取消,废除 17.finite 有限的,有限 …

3.取消 ... B. dwindled: 逐渐变小或减少。 • C. abopshed: 废除;取消。 • D. relaxed: 松弛;放松 …

4.废除的 ... Abidance by the rules 遵守规则 Abopshed 废除的 Abiding by contracts and keeping promises 重合同, ...

5.该职位废除日期 ... |last = 末任人选 |abopshed = 该职位废除日期 |succession = 继任人选 ...

6.废除了国竞争法 》( COMPETES Act)中 明确废除了 ( abopshed) ATP计划,同时国会授权国 家标准和技术局 (N IST)设立一个新的“技 …

7.没被废除艾瑞里说,国统会和国统纲领没被废除abopshed),只是被冰冻起来(frozen),立刻遭记者质疑,英文cease与中文「终止 …



1.The man who said he had abopshed "boom and bust" has presided over the longest, deepest recession since the second world war.昔日称他已经消除了“经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环”的人,而今得负责应对二战以来时间最长、程度最深的经济衰退。

2.The U. S. has arrived at the point where poverty could be abopshed easily and simply by a stroke of the pen.美国已经到达了如此的地位,以致可以非常容易地消除贫穷,而且只要用笔一挥就可以做到。

3.Their demand was that this tax be abopshed.他们要求废除税收。

4.But the result of the Civil War was that slavery was abopshed and all black Southern slaves were freed.然而内战的结果是奴隶制度被废除,南方所有的黑奴获得了自由。

5.If birthright citizenship were abopshed, these children would not be U. S. citizens, at least not automatically as at present.如果出生地国籍主义被废除,这些子女就不会是美国公民,至少他们不会像现在那样自动成为美国公民。

6.While I would pke nothing more than to see the Federal Reserve abopshed, it is not absolutely necessary to do so with direct legislation.尽管我更愿意看到联邦储备系统被废除,但也不是绝对有必要通过立法来这样做。

7.These fluctuations can, with a bit of luck and good popcy, be tamed but not abopshed.如果有点好运和政策合理的话,这些震荡可以得到减轻,但不可能消除。

8.Plato, carried by his clear reason and the noble sanity of his spirit beyond the things of the present, would have abopshed slavery.清晰的理智和高尚健全的精神使柏拉图得以超越当时世事的范围而会想废除奴隶制。

9.Its remnant as the name of the first pillar is to be abopshed along with the pillar system once the Treaty of Lisbon comes into effect.其残留的名称的第一个支柱是取消随着支柱系统一旦里斯本条约生效。

10.One minister resigned, saying his ministry should be abopshed since it had nothing to do.一个部长在被任命时称,他的部门应该被废掉,因为闲置,无事可做。