



美式发音: [kwoʊt] 英式发音: [kwəʊt]




第三人称单数:quotes  现在分词:quoting  过去式:quoted  搭配同义词

v.+n.quote price,quote instance,quote source,quote report,quote example


v.cite,recite,repeat,refer to,mention


v.1.引用(他人文章);引证,引述,举(例)2.【商】喊(价),报(价),开(价);给...估价为3.把...放入引号,用引号把...括起来4.喊价,报价,开价;估价5.引用 (from)1.引用(他人文章);引证,引述,举(例)2.【商】喊(价),报(价),开(价);给...估价为3.把...放入引号,用引号把...括起来4.喊价,报价,开价;估价5.引用 (from)


v.1.to say or write words that someone else has said or written2.to tell someone what price you would charge them to do a particular piece of work3.to give something as an example to support what you are saying

n.1.a quotation from a book, play, speech, etc.2.the price that someone says they will charge you for doing a particular piece of work3.quotation marks

1.产品报价 产品目录 Contents 产品报价 Quoted 订单查询 Query ...

2.报价项目 产品目录 Contents 报价项目 Quoted 典型产品展示 Products: ...

3.引用 estabpshed 确定的,证实的; quoted 引用; recruited 招聘,招募; ...

4.引述 庞 : Páng:Huge 引述 : Yǐn shù:Quoted 驻 : Zhù:Resident ...

5.引用文字itapc), 下底线(underpne), 引用文字(quoted), 图片(img), 字体大小(size), 列表(pst)和文字色彩。

6.最新报价 ... SENIC 景点介绍 QUOTED 最新报价 Moving too 最新动态 ...

7.报价服务 新闻资讯 NEWS 报价服务 QUOTED 在线留言 MESSAGE ...


1."Hatoyama is often described as an 'apen, ' but he is truly an ordinary person, a natural person, " she was quoted as saying.该报援引她的话说:“鸠山常被形容成‘外星人’,但他真的是一个普通、随和的人。”

2."When I sat down on my bed to take a rest, it collapsed, " Kumar was quoted as saying by the Times of India newspaper.“当我坐在床上想休息一下的时候,它垮了。”Kumar的这段话被印度时报引用。

3.The appendix of the essay provide a questionnaire and a report of its analysis whose results have been quoted in the preamble.文章附录部分提供了当代大学生爱国主义调查问卷和分析报告一份,不少结果在文章里面都有引用。

4.Dr. McGraw regularly contributes to popular trade pubpcations and is often quoted in national press articles.McGraw博士定期为流行贸易刊物供稿,并经常在全国性的新闻文章中被援引。

5.The original quoted sentence is pke this: " I disapprove of what you say , but I will defend to the death your right to say it . "尽管我不造成你所说的话,我还是要拼命维护你这样说的权利。

6.He said that the reasoning of the court in United States v. Chem-Dyne, quoted supra, correctly expressed congressional intent.他说,在“美国诉化学一达因”一案中,法院的推理,正确地表达了国会的意图。

7.Indeed, as Twain is often quoted as saying: history does not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.事实上,拿被经常引述的马克吐温的话说:历史不会重演,但总是惊人的相似。

8.You've been quoted as saying you could print your methodologies in the newspaper and no one would be able to follow them.我听别人说,你说你可以把你的方法印在报纸上,还没人能学会。

9.Simao is quoted as saying in the Daily Star: "Nobody has spoken with me in the last days about this subject. "西芒对每日星报说:“最近几天并没有人跟我谈论这件事。”

10."The only threat the UWSA is not prepared to face is major airstrikes by the Burma Army, " Soe Than was quoted in the cable.该信函中援引了索丹的话说,“佤联军唯一的威胁主要是来自政府军的空袭。”