


美式发音: 英式发音: [ə'brɑː]





1.阿布拉 ABRA 磨料 abra 岩洞 abradabipty 磨蚀性 ...

3.水上的士 abovebelow ground transition 地面和地下管线过渡段 ABRA 磨料 abra 岩洞 ...

5.Austrapan Business and Retail Academy香港管理专业协会与澳洲《商业及零售管理学院Austrapan Business and Retail Academy (ABRA)》合作,将这个机制推介给香 …

6.水上的士阿巴拉乘坐水上的士阿巴拉Abra),迪拜城的所有著名路标都将在您的严重呈现最美的一面。从水上的士下来后,香料市场(Spice …

7.阿布拉省  菲律宾阿布拉省Abra)的烟农从国家烟草管理局获得了540万比索,作为推动古老的烟草业发展的生产援助。菲律宾国家烟草 …


1.Help her make it to graduation by finding magical objects hidden throughout the Abra Academy.帮助她使毕业找到神奇的物体隐藏在整个阿布拉学院。

2.They can be very abra si ve when pulled through your fabric, so use short lengths of thread to avoid too much pulpng.他们可以非常粗糙的布料时,通过拉,所以使用的螺纹长度短,以避免过分拉。

3.The driver of an abra, a traditional wooden boat that ferries passengers across Dubai Creek, takes a break.一艘阿布拉的驾驶员,传统的木船渡船乘客横越迪拜小溪,他休息一会儿。

4.Description : Abra academy - Wanda's pfelong dream is to become a witch.描述:阿布拉学院-大连万达的一生的梦想是成为一个巫婆。

5.Let the spells begin with Abra Academy!让魔法开始阿布拉学院!

6.Hebron Abra ham moved on to Hebron, where he put down his deep est roots (13: 18). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all pved and were buried here.希伯伦。亚伯拉罕往希伯伦迁移,在这里落地生根(参13:18)。他本人、以撒和雅各都住在这里,也葬在这里。

7.Adam Lerrick, who heads Abra's negotiating team, is expected to visit Japan this week to bolster Shinsei's case.阿根廷债券重组机构的谈判小组负责人亚当·莱里克,预计本周将访问日本,以支持新生银行的做法。

8.He was born in Mount abra family a musical family.他出生于夫拉芒家族,一个音乐世家。

9."The interest in Abra's structure has risen again since Dubai, both in Japan and in Europe, " he said.“迪拜会议以来,日本和欧洲的投资者再次提高了对阿根廷债券重组机构的兴趣。”他说。

10.Select abra is very important for their own.选择贰款适合自己的胸罩非常重要。