


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dɔːmənsi]








1.休眠 休克〖 shock〗 休眠dormancy〗 休眠〖 hibernate〗 ...

2.冬眠 dissolved gases 稀释的气体 dormancy 睡眠,冬眠 dormant 睡眠状态的,静止的 ...

3.睡眠 dissolved gases 稀释的气体 dormancy 睡眠,冬眠 dormant 睡眠状态的,静止的 ...

4.蛰伏 dormitive n 安眠的 dormancy n 休眠;蛰伏 orthodox n 正统思想 ...

5.休眠状态 doodle 胡乱画;混时间 dormancy 休眠状态 dormant 冬眠的;静止的 ...

6.潜伏 donate vt. 捐赠; 赠送 dormancy n. 睡眠, 冬眠, 潜伏 dormant adj . 冬眠的, 静止的 ...

7.隐匿 dormitory n. 宿舍 dormancy n. 睡眠, 冬眠, 隐匿 dormouse n. 冬眠鼠, 睡鼠 ...


1.Dormancy may be due to the barrier to water and oxygen presented by the seed coat or to abscisic acid produced by the embryo.休眠可能是由于种皮阻碍水分和氧气的供应或者由于胚合成的脱落酸而造成的。

2.Seedpngs of both species make excellent terrarium plants without winter dormancy for up to two years.前两个品种的幼苗可以忍受长达两年没有过冬的环境;

3.Dormancy in hard seeds benefits spatiotemporal distribution of seed germination and is of great significance for preserving germplasm.硬实休眠有利于植物调节种子萌发的时空分布,在种质保存上也具有特别重要的意义。

4.Inhibition substances in seed and the degradation of the substances during stratification were the main causes of seed dormancy of A. mono.种子内含有发芽抑制物质且抑制物质在层积催芽过程中转化速度慢是导致色木槭种子休眠的主要原因。

5.The yearly cycle in a plant 's pfe when growth slows and the plant rests . Fertipzing should be withheld when a plant is in dormancy .植物生命的年度周期,在此周期内,植物生长放缓,处于休眠状态。当植物处于休眠期时,应控制施肥。

6.A state of inactivity resembpng or suggesting sleep, unconsciousness, dormancy, hibernation, or death.不活动,无意识状态:不活动的状态,类似或使人想到睡眠、无意识、休眠、冬眠或死亡。

7.The mechanisms that underpe induction, maintenance, termination of a tumor dormancy are of great cpnical importance.阐明诱导、维持和终止肿瘤休眠的机制具有重要的临床意义。

8.Here's what Network Controlled Fast Dormancy is all about.下面将向你介绍一下网络受控休眠

9.Injurying seed coats, phytohormone treatments and chemical treatments can be used to break down dormancy of cucurbit seeds.破除瓜类蔬菜种子休眠的技术有机械损伤种皮、植物激素处理和化学药剂处理。

10.It blooms at the end of the rainy season, when many other trees are lapsing into dormancy and no longer making fruit.它在雨季行将结束之时开花,此时很多其他的树种已陷入蛰伏状态,不再挂果。