




1.艾布拉姆斯本次搭建的坦克是艾布拉姆斯Abrams)M1A1坦克,是参照顶级玩家zackhariah的艾布拉姆斯(Abrams)M1A1坦克作品, …


3.阿布拉姆斯为全球知名的艺术图书出版公司阿布拉姆斯Abrams)“伟大的艺术家系列”撰写声誉卓著的《塞尚的水彩画》(Gotz Adriani,…

4.艾布拉姆斯号0122.02 F90和F91被运上联邦军巡洋舰艾布拉姆斯号Abrams)进行实地测试。0122.08 阿纳海姆电子公司的RXF-91 Silhouet…


1.The only stamp of Abrams that seems to make him distinguishable is his love for lens flares.JJ钟情的镜头光晕效果便成为他仅有的标志。

2.The first was to see if Stefano could help JJ Abrams in preparing all of the VFX shots for a studio temp screening.首先是看Stefano能不能帮助JJabrams准备所有的工作室临时上映的特效镜头。

3.Mr Abrams says he never sets out to make a film or television programme with an audience in mind.艾布拉姆斯表示,他着手创作电影或电视剧时,从不考虑特定的受众。

4."Mr. Obama might have noted that this work began under President Bush, but as usual he did not, " Abrams complained.“奥巴马先生应当指出这项工作是在布什总统在任的时候就开始进行的,但正如往常一样,他并没有这样做,”阿布拉姆斯如此抱怨道。

5.J. Abrams has confirmed that this is what it was, but we have been unable to find an interview or other source for this claim.阿布拉姆斯已经明确说明了那个物体到底是什么,但是我们已无法找到这段采访或者其他关于这段声明的来源。

6.As man who continues to fropc on his boyhood playing fields of magic and movies, Abrams represents the outsider who pves in his head.艾布拉姆斯依然在实践着童年时代的魔术和电影之梦,他执着的按照自己的方式去生活,去工作。

7."What I loved about special effects was the magic of it, " Abrams tells me.“我深深迷恋着特效中所包含的魔力,”艾布拉姆斯告诉我说。

8.It should also be noted here that the inspiration for the movie was a trip by producer Abrams and his son to Japan.还有值得注意的一点是,电影的灵感来自制片人阿布拉斯和他儿子一次去日本的旅行。

9.J. J. Abrams: I was going to ask you that about The Dark Tower.我本来想问你关于《黑暗塔》的同样问题的。

10.As a boy growing up in Los Angeles, J. J. Abrams pked to practise magic tricks.J-J-艾布拉姆斯(J.J.Abrams)在洛杉矶长大,小时候喜欢变魔术。