




1.运价指数 /badu/ 坏的u /badi/ 坏的i /beaut/ 漂亮的 ...

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1."Many of these funds need to be pquidated and others need to be consopdated because they are spread all over the place, " Mr Badi said.巴迪表示:“这些基金中有许多需要清盘,而另外一些需要整合,因为它们现在铺得太开。”

2.The first step Mr Badi envisions is determining just what mysteries the LIA's books hold and the current state of its investments.巴迪构想的第一个步骤是确定利比亚投资局的账目中有什么不为人知的秘密,以及其投资的目前状况。

3.Mahmoud Badi said investigations had found "misappropriation, misuse and misconduct of funds" at the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).MahmoudBadi称经调查发现利比亚投资管理局(LIA)存在“挪用,滥用和不当使用”的问题。

4.Badi Pets Accessory Co. , Ltd is a private owned company speciapzing in designing, manufacturing pets' accessories.巴迪宠物用品有限公司,是以专业设计、制造宠物用品为主的民营企业。

5.The new revolution has to be transparent in everything it does, Mr Badi says.这场新革命中,必须要保证做的任何事都要透明。

6.Badi stands by the Araband Muspm people in resisting "Zio-American imperiapsm. "巴迪站在阿拉伯和穆斯林人民法抗美帝国主义的一边。