




1.保持与…并列 ... Don't all cycle abreast. 不要并排骑车。 abreast of 保持与…并列 keep abreast of 与……并驾齐驱;了解……的最新 …


1.However, many of you who keep abreast of what is happening all around the world, are picking up the clues to what is about to happen.然而,你们许多人继续与所有发生在世界中的事情并肩前行,一直在取得关于一切发生之事的线索。

2.Managers stay abreast of their progress and provide direction by using tools that make it easy to mine data on workflows.经理们掌握其进展情况,通过工具来提供导向使得从工作流中挖掘数据变得容易。

3.The question is, how much do they need to grow to keep abreast of the growth in the world's population of about 1. 2% a year?问题是,要种多少才能跟得上世界人口每年1.2%的增长步伐?

4.Staying abreast of technology standards is often associated with organizational efficiency.与技术标准保持一致常常有助于提高组织的效率。

5.When abreast of a trunk which appeared to be the oldest of the old, he became aware that a figure was standing behind it.当走到一棵看来是年头最久的树干旁的时候,他发觉树后站着一个身影。

6.The first were just drawing abreast of him when he reached for the trigger with the intention of opening fire.领先的那个组接近他时,他扣紧扳机准备开火射击。

7.Buck, on the bank, worried and anxious, kept abreast of the boat, his eyes never off his master.布克在岸上,又烦恼又焦急,紧跟着船前进,始终目不转睛地注视着他的主人。

8.If it's geographically feasible, try to have lunch with a colleague at least monthly. Keep abreast of events at work.如果条件允许的话,尽量每个月至少跟同事吃一次午餐,了解公司发生的事情。

9.Skip ran abreast of him toward the river.斯基普和他并肩朝河边跑去。

10.Keeps abreast of the company's product offerings within the area of involvement, to support decisions on initial design direction.熟悉公司在相关领域内向客户提供产品的情况,以此支持基于初始设计方向。