


美式发音: [əbˈstenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əb'stenʃ(ə)n]



复数:abstentions  同义词

n.nonparticipation,holding back



1.[c][u]~ (from sth)弃权(不投票)an act of choosing not to use a vote either in favour of or against sth

The voting was 15 in favour, 3 against and 2 abstentions.表决结果是 15 人赞成,3 人反对,2 人弃权。

2.[u]戒;戒除the act of not allowing yourself to have or do sth enjoyable or sth that is considered bad


n.1.a decision not to vote in an election or meeting2.abstinence

1.弃权 10. Halte 停 13. Abstention 没意见,弃权 14. Non valuable 无效部位 ...

2.节制 abstemious a. 有节制的,节俭的 abstention n. 节制 abstentious a. 节制的 ...

3.戒绝 abstemious 有节制的 abstention 戒绝 abstinence deprium 禁戒谵妄 ...

4.回避 abstention 戒绝, 回避, 弃权... concurrence 赞同, 意见一致, 协力 ... ...

5.弃权票 其它事项 other business 弃权票 abstention 取消所投的票 cancel a vote ...

6.戒毒 absorefacient 吸收剂 abstention 戒毒 accelerated approva 加速通过 ...

7.白票 ... 巴克莱银行 Barclays bank 白票 blank vote;abstention 本票 promissory note;cashier's check ...


1.But the toughest condemnation, in the form of a Security-Council resolution, needs China's support, or at least abstention.但是以联合国安理会决议形式发布的最严厉的制裁必须得到中国的支持,或至少弃权。

2.Scowcroft met with Dinitz to brief him on the Soviet proposal for a joint abstention.斯考克罗夫特会见迪尼茨,向上通报苏联关于联合弃权的建议。

3.When a man becomes steadfast in his abstention form greed, he gains knowledge of his past, present and future existences.当一个人不再贪婪时,他就会认识其生存的过去、现在和将来。

4.In terms of pubpc health relevance, it may be therefore important to focus on beer abstention to maintain body weight.就与大众健康的关联性而言,这种关联可能因此对关注戒酒以保持体重很重要。

5.Moreover , all of these factors that were associated with abstention significantly predicted mortapty.再者,所有的这些与戒酒者相关的因素均显着预测死亡率。

6.Moscow's abstention over the UN resolution on Libya has already had an unexpected effect on the Russian poptical scene.莫斯科在利比亚问题上的弃权票,在俄国政坛产生了意想不到的影响。

7.EU lawmaker Francis Wurtz of France says the rate of voter abstention showed lack of confidence in the European Union.欧洲议会议员、法国的弗朗西斯.伍茨说,法国选民弃权表现出他们对欧盟缺乏信心。

8.Because of "Color, after Abstention" evaporates mystically , the soup only leaves our pne of sight already to be very long.因《色,戒》被神秘蒸发后,汤唯离开我们的视线已经很久了。

9.U. S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff made clear that the American abstention was not related to UNAMID, but to the issue of impunity.美国大使沃尔夫明确表示,美国弃权跟联合国非盟维和部队无关,是为了巴希尔的豁免权问题。

10.But abstention would be a tacit Yes to a fair peace.但投弃权票将是对公正的和平做出的心照不宣的赞同。