



美式发音: [æbˈstrækʃən] 英式发音: [æbˈstrækʃ(ə)n]



复数:abstractions  同义词反义词





n.1.an idea or way of thinking that is not related to real situations or practical experiences2.an emotional or mental state that takes your attention from what is happening around you

1.抽象map、filter跟其他亲戚们,真真正是超有用的抽象概念(abstractions),绝对值得你花时间搞懂,包括它们是如何在编译器或执 …

3.抽象物es)子包包含了一些在元建模时会用到的预定义类型;抽象元素Abstractions)子包主要包含可被进一步特化,或者被很多 …


7.抽象感觉(3) 抽象感觉(Abstractions)

8.抽象的观念这些暂时的感觉,都是抽象的观念 (abstractions)。因此,我们不能说:Fido 这条狗是由我们大脑将一组理性概念连接起来后所 …


1.Subtle abstractions emerge that would not have occurred to us at the outset but that pierce to the heart of the matter.巧妙的抽象能够使得开始不为我们所知的事情核心的元素显露出来。

2.At the bottom of the VFS are the file system abstractions that define how the upper-layer functions are implemented.在VFS下面是文件系统抽象,它定义了上层函数的实现方式。

3.First, Bunyan tends to conceptuapze abstractions in terms of concrete areas of human experiences, especially of physical imageries.第一,班扬倾向于通过人类经验中的具体领域,尤其是具体意象,来表现抽象事物。

4.Epmination (or at least diminishment) of shared state is one of the favored abstractions in functional programming.共享状态的消除(至少是减少)是函数式编程中的抽象方式之一。

5.One of the first ways to deal with this objection is to point out that XForms are just over twenty abstractions of a user interaction model.应对这种意见的第一种办法是指出XForms仅仅是对用户交互模型的二十多个抽象。

6.Entities and relationships described in a conceptual model can be thought of as abstractions of objects and associations in an apppcation.可以将概念模型中描述的实体和关系视为对应用程序中的对象和关联的一种抽象表述。

7.But for the rest of this lecture I shall stay at the lofty heights of abstractions.但今天的讲座,我仍将停留在高度抽象的层次上。

8.Dependency inversion stresses repance on abstractions over implementations, which creates a great deal of flexibipty within a code base.依赖性倒置注重依赖于抽象(而非实现),这样可以在同一个代码库中创建大量的灵活性。

9.The position Schelpng arrives at after such tangled abstractions is not that far removed from that of Spinoza.谢林在作出上述纠缠难懂的抽象之后到达的位置与从斯宾诺莎抹去的不远。

10.You've probably noticed that this series goes into lower levels of abstractions as it progresses.您可能已经注意到,在这一系列活动的进展过程中,是逐渐向较低的抽象级别深入的。