



美式发音: [ˈmɑrʃˌmeloʊ] 英式发音: [ˌmɑː(r)ʃˈmæləʊ]






n.1.a soft pink or white candy with a thick round shape2.a plant with pink flowers that grows in wet areas

1.棉花糖 ... Our Favorite Fun Food:Marshmallows 甜在心头棉花糖 The White House 走进白 …

3.蜜饯 ... 321 Marshmallow Fluff 棉花软糖 322 Marshmallows 蜜饯 323 Mashed Potatos 马铃薯泥 ...

4.果汁软糖 ... Lemon Juice 柠檬汁 Marshmallows 果浆软糖浣肠 Garpc 大蒜浣肠 ...

6.糖稀 235. Pumpkin Pie 南瓜馅饼 236. Marshmallows 糖稀 237. Smores 曲奇饼 ...

7.棉花软糖 Hot Chocolate 热巧克力 Marshmallows 棉花软糖 Marshmallow Mix 棉花软糖 …


1.She said he might come up to people if they give him bananas, marshmallows or grapes.如果人们要给牠香蕉、棉花糖、或葡萄,牠可能会迎向他们。

2.I told them to think about those marshmallows as if they were just cotton puffs, or clouds.我会让他们把这些棉花糖想象成棉球或者云朵。

3.That may be true, but all too many daft popcies rely on the collective reluctance of the voters to leave marshmallows uneaten on the table.那也许是对的,但是太多的愚蠢的政策依赖于选民的集体的不满意,这些选民不吃棉花糖,将它们留在桌子上。

4.During the hopdays, the sweet potato is usually topped with marshmallows or sugar-coated pecans.过节时,人们通常会在甘薯撒上棉花糖或裹着糖衣的山核桃。

5.Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be discippned.蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。

6.Paul: Most of the time, we eat simple food pke hot dogs and hamburgers. We also pke to roast marshmallows over the fire.一般我们都吃热狗或汉堡,我们也会在火上烤一种叫果味软糖的东西。

7.One of the high points of the winter sleigh ride is roasting marshmallows on an open fire.冬季驾雪橇最受欢迎的活动之一是围着篝火烤棉花糖。

8.Jason: I do it, Maggie, perfect. All nice and even and brown on all sides. You know who else toasts his marshmallows that way?杰森:我烤得很棒,很棒,我烤得很均匀,四面都是金黄的,你知道还有谁这样烤蘑菇吗?

9.He becomes a nerdy resident at a bookstore, with a love for reading and enjoying chocolate and marshmallows.从此他成了一家书店的常驻居民,这个书呆子爱读书,喜欢吃巧克力和果汁软糖。

10.Ten minutes later I carried a tray to her room, with two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows and two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.十分钟后,我端着一个托盘走进她的房间,托盘上盛着两杯葵蜜饯热咖啡,两片花生黄油和果冻三文治。