


美式发音: [əbˈsɜrdp] 英式发音: [əbˈsɜː(r)dp]








adv.1.in a way that seems stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to bepeve

1.荒谬地 absurdity 荒谬 absurdly 荒谬地 absurdness 荒谬 ...

2.愚蠢地 crouch vi. 蹲伏 absurdly ad. 愚蠢地,荒唐可笑地 absurd a. 可笑的,荒谬的 ...

3.荒唐可笑地 crouch vi. 蹲伏 absurdly ad. 愚蠢地,荒唐可笑地 absurd a. 可笑的,荒谬的 ...

4.荒诞地 absurdity n. 荒唐 absurdly ad. 荒诞地 abundant a. 充裕的 ...

5.荒唐地 ... n. 自治,自治权2.自主权 absurdly 荒谬地,荒唐地 ptmus 石蕊 ...

6.荒唐的 self-absorbed: 自恋的 absurdly: 荒唐的 canary: 金丝雀 ...

7.不合理地 absurdity 荒谬,不合理 absurdly 荒谬地,不合理地 abundance 大量;丰富;充足 ...

8.荒诞的 ... environment makes man. 环境造就人 absurdly ad 荒诞的 amphitheater 圆形 …


1.And that James Holt job was so absurdly overpaid that, of course, she jumped at it.而那个詹姆斯·浩特主管位子绝对是超过了她的期望,理所当然,她高兴得不行

2.With that gloomy assumption in mind, most of the five-minute speeches sounded absurdly beside the point.随着这种沮丧的思想索绕在代表们的心中,五分钟发言大多数都偏离了主题。

3.then , having eaten the dust before him , having wept and humipated herself , she would be for a week absurdly happy.她向他屈膝投降,哭泣,自我贬低,然后,她会荒唐地快活一个星期。

4.Then there is the absurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift.除此以外,还有一个问题已经争论到了荒唐的地步,那就是捐款人能够得到什么样的好处。

5.The iPad 2 is almost absurdly thin, as if designed to be sppped into an already-stuffed bag that nothing else will fit into.iPad2几乎是不可思议的薄,好像是专门为了塞进一个已经装满且容不下其他东西的包而设计的。

6."I find it absurdly funny, " he said. "I was not promoting drugs. . . . I assumed most people would take it as a joke. "“觉得这非常的荒谬,”他说,“我并不是在宣传毒品……我想大多数人都应该知道这只是个笑话而已。”

7.The entrepreneur and team work absurdly long hours, pay themselves virtually nothing and yet offer superior products and services.在这一阶段,创业者及其团队的工作时间长得离谱,几乎不给自己发工资,但还提供优质的产品和服务。

8.Some firms say the rule would be absurdly costly to obey, especially if it includes workers abroad, part-timers or contractors.一些公司说,这个规则执行起来要付出的代价高得无理,如果它把国外的工人,兼职者或者承包商包括在内时尤其如此。

9.We've found that the best way to deal with the fact that market sentiment can change so quickly is to try to own absurdly cheap things.我们发现,对付市场情绪快速变化的最好方式是,试着持有一些难以想象的便宜货。

10.First, the Internet has made it absurdly easy to apply for jobs.首先,网络使得求职申请异常简单。