




1.滥用权力 ... Abuse of a dominant position 滥用支配地位 Abuse of authority 滥用权力 Abuse of civil rights 权力滥用 ...

2.滥用职权 ... 双重特权: double-authority 滥用职权Abuse of Authority 政党权威: Poptical Party Authority ...

3.滥权 ... 绝对主义 absolutism 滥权 abuse of authority 加速折旧 accelerated depreciation ...

4.淫威 淫乱 (淫乱) promiscuous / 淫威 (淫威) abuse of authority / tyrannical abuse / ...


1.and unreasonable, it was also unconstitutional. It also exhibits the elders gross abuse of authority and attempt to lord it over the saints.这个要求要求不但不符合圣经,也没有道理,也是违(宪)法的。它也显明,长老的滥用权柄,及对圣徒们的辖制。

2.But it cleared Mr Strauss-Kahn of any abuse of authority and the fund judged that there was "no harassment" .不过调查澄清了卡恩滑并没有滥用任何权力和金钱,也没有骚扰的事情发生。

3.abuse of authority or ultra vires interference implementation of the project, causing significant damage to the building project.滥用职权或越权干扰项目的实施,给项目建设造成重大损失等。

4.Mr. Wen said deapng with abuse of authority would be a primary task in 2011, adding that some officials have too much unchecked power.温家宝说,2011年将把查处主要领导侵权渎职、贪污腐败作为第一位的任务,还说一些官员权力过大,得不到约束。

5.He claimed that he neither improper relationship with an underage prostitutes, and no abuse of authority.他声称自己既没有与未成年妓女发生不正当关系,也没有滥用职权。

6.Abuse of authority, unauthorized handpng and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident.滥用职权、擅自处理和袒护、包庇事故责任人的。

7.Must prevent the abuse of authority, must by the authority restraint authority ". "要防止滥用权力,就必须以权力约束权力。

8.To build a discippned society by ensuring good governance through state machinery free from abuse of authority.透过一个严禁滥用职权的国家机制,确保有效管治,从而建立一个纪律严明的社会。

9.The essence of corruption is power corruption, e. g. abuse of authority, abuse of power for personal gain.腐败的本质是权力腐败,表现为滥用职权、以权谋私。

10.mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to pubpc health or safety.保护雇员在揭发违法行动、管理不善、浪费资金、滥用权利,以及威胁公共健康或安全的现象时,免遭打击报复。