




1.形势N REPRESENTATION)是否说明实际语境形势(WORLD SITUATION)的可能性,而此未证实的情状描述所身处的语境主要分 …

2.国际局势 ... 76 联合主办 sponsor jointly 77 国际局势 world situation 78 亲密合作 close cooperation ...

3.世界格局 ... ) world pattern 世界格局 ) world situation 世界格局 ) the world structure 世界格局 ...


1.How much the reduction in Brazipan production tightens the world situation will depend on China's demand for South American soybeans.巴西产量的下降能给世界形势带来多大程度的紧张将取决于中国对南美大豆的需求。

2.In a real-world situation, there would be thousands of these articles from hundreds of different authors.在真实的情形下,有可能会有来自不同作者的数千篇这样的文章。

3.We handle the more urgent issues of preventing the final attempts of the dark Ones to take advantage of the world situation.我们在掌控这更多的紧急事件,阻止黑暗势力取得世界局势优势的最后企图。

4.Many real-world situation can conveniently be described by means of a diagram.现实世界的许多事例用图形来描写可能是方便的。

5.The second year of the North China famine coincided with a desperate world situation for the United Nations.华北闹饥荒的第二年,正是国际形势对盟国最为不利的时刻。

6.Since the end of the Cold War, the world situation has, generally speaking, moved towards relaxation.冷战结束以来,世界形势总体趋向缓和。

7.The real world situation is well illustrated by the case of cannabis classification in the United Kingdom.英国的大麻分类问题充分表明了现实世界的情况。

8.In such circumstance, the Chinese tried to understand the world situation, especially the international poptical order.面对此种局面,国人开始了对当时世界局势,尤其是国际政治格局的认识过程。

9."The world situation, of which this wall was a symbol, seemed irreversible to many people, " he said.柏林墙是个象征,当时世界发展的趋势对很多人来说是难以逆转的。

10.Other issues melted away as Americans began to consider what to do about the darkening world situation.其他问题消失了,因为美国人开始考虑怎样做对世界形势变暗。