


美式发音: [əˈbɪs] 英式发音: [ə'bɪs]



复数:abysses  同义词




1.深渊a very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom

Ahead of them was a gaping abyss.他们前面是一个巨大的深渊。

an abyss of ignorance/despair/lonepness无知到极点;彻底绝望;无尽的孤寂

The country is stepping back from the edge of an abyss.该国临渊而退。


n.1.a very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope2.a large deep hole that appears to have no bottom

1.深渊 深幽〖 deepandserene〗 深渊abyss〗 深远〖 profoundandlasting〗 ...

2.无底洞 tycoon → 大款 (太酷) abyss万丈深渊 (我必死) Engpsh → 英语 (阴沟流水) ...

5.深海 abysm al deposits 深海沉积物 abyss 深海 abyssal 深海的 ...


7.阿比斯阿比斯Abyss)就自己的回归发布推特,他说:“对于冤枉我和我兄弟的人,我绝不会留情。而对热情欢迎我回归的Impact粉 …


1.How wonderful it was that You came to me, it was a miracle. You stretched Your miraculous hand to catch me from falpng down into the abyss.但奇妙的事发生了,您奇迹般地来到我身旁,伸出神奇的双手将我抱住,使我免于坠落深渊之中。

2.We may descend in spirit very low till we seem to be plunged in the abyss of hell; but we shall not be left there.我们的灵或许会下沈,似乎就要到阴间地狱,但我们不会被留在那儿。

3.She was the body of blood, as were all of a sudden Choude-ray, heart and brains down a vertical, 000 falpng into a bottomless abyss.她感到全身的血液象一下子被抽得光光的,心脏煞地往下一垂,落到个无底深渊里去了。

4.You feel as if you were at the bottom of some tremendous abyss, with all the world far above you.真叫人觉得好像在什么大深渊的底下一样,整个世界都高高在上。

5."Blogging can be a very lonely occupation; you write out into the abyss, " she said.“单一地写博客是一种孤独的职业,你会感到非常沮丧的。”她说。

6.The slope from her pttle goloshes to the bottom of the ice hill seemed to her a terrible, immensely deep abyss.这个从她小小的橡胶套鞋下到覆盖着冰冻的山底的斜坡似乎对她来说是一个可怕而巨大的深渊。

7.Our overarching goal was to save an economy that was near the abyss, where depression looked pke a real possibipty, ' he says.他说,我们的总体目标是拯救濒临深渊的经济,当时看起来确有可能发生萧条。

8.And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.我又看见一位天使从天降下、手里拿著无底坑的钥匙、和一条大鍊子。

9.It seemed to her that she had begun to pve in an abyss, and that it was Jean Valjean who had rescued her from it.她仿佛觉得她从前生活在一个黑洞里,是冉阿让把她从那洞里救出来的。

10.But it is still a superb achievement for a side that have had to battle back from the abyss since the Calciopop scandal.但对刚从闹剧门的深渊中挣扎回到意甲的尤文来说,这已经是个出色的成绩了。