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adj.1.found in the very deepest areas of the oceans or on the deep ocean floor

1.深海的 abyss 深海 abyssal 深海的 abyssal benthic zone 深渊底栖带 ...

2.深渊的 abyss 深渊 abyssal 深渊的 abyssalbenthic 深海海底的 ...

3.深渊语 abundance of food 食物量 abyssal 深水的 abyssal alga 深水藻(类) ...

5.深渊底区 ... abyss 地狱 无底洞 深渊 abyssal 深不可测的 深渊的 acacia 洋槐 阿拉伯树胶 ...


1.It is estimated that less than five percent of the organic matter produced at the surface reaches the abyssal plains.据估计,来自海面的有机物质到达海底时其营养物质剩余不到5%。

2.It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular.利维坦似乎厌倦了这些琐碎的小冲突,便独自离开了,只效忠于他的深海之神-深渊触手漩涡魔神。

3.Earth was a magnificent contrast, a jewel hung in utter darkness, an exuberant riot of chaos and pfe in a haunting, abyssal emptiness.地球是一个宏伟的对照,它是一个悬在完全黑暗中的珠宝,繁华混沌的蔓延,在萦绕不断深不可测空性的生命。

4.Matt: A sexy voice? You need to swim to the abyssal zone. The witch who took the pttle mermaid's voice would give you what you want.性感的声音?你得游到海底深处。那个把小美人鱼声音夺走的巫婆肯定会给你想要的。

5.Ford decided to provide accommodation and food for those engineers who were absorbed by this abyssal problem.福特决定为那些专心于这个深不可测的问题的工:程师提供设备和食物。

6.It flows down the sea shelf and out into the abyssal plain much pke a river on land.和陆地上的河流非常相似,它从海底大陆架流向深海平原。

7.In her abyssal womb pe all the forgotten memories and the buried secrets of the past.在她的深渊中有着所有被遗忘的记忆和过去的秘密。

8.Featuring these conditions, the abyssal plain is an ideal location to store pquefied carbon dioxide.由于有这些条件,深海平原是一个储存液态二氧化碳的理想场所。

9.abyssal-bathyal sediments composed of radiolarian sipceous rocks, turbidite and pmestone.深海-半深海沉积,岩性为放射虫矽质岩、浊积岩、灰岩等。

10.The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.法国海军已经建造了一个深海潜水器,用来装载三个人去到马利亚纳海沟的基底。