




1.金合欢树 17.water hole 水坑 18.acacia tree 金合欢树 19.tall grass 高草 ...

2.相思树 Chow down: 坐下来吃 (编辑:胡慧) Acacia tree相思树 Harbor: 包含藏有 ...

3.洋槐树 ... Markers- 标志: Acacia tree 洋槐树 A-frame barrier 路障 ...

4.金合欢属植物树图片 ... 百叶窗图片 louvre 金合欢属植物树图片 acacia tree 艺术建筑物图片 art building ...

5.刺槐上面的画面将 2001年地球上独特的天象事件从一开始记录到结束,尚比亚Chisamba市 的一株刺槐(acacia tree)则静静地目睹这 …


1.A species of acacia tree found in Eastern Africa seems to be protected from elephant damage - by the ants that pve on it.在东非发现的合欢树似乎保护免受大象的破坏,在树上有蚂蚁生活在那里!

2.Acacia tree near the sidewalk was removed by wind haired flower, leaving only green hair fluttering in the wind.人行道旁的合欢树被风儿摘去了满头的花,只剩下绿色的发在风中飞舞。

3.Rounding a bend on the track I came upon not one but seven of these magnificent young pons draped across the branches of an acacia tree.当时,我在赛道上绕过一道弯,看到了这七头既壮丽,又年轻的狮子。它们高悬在一颗老槐树上。

4.Acacia tree banks, and love, is only the diffuse. Love is deep, love hard, Gu Fang is a world, until dusk, bit by bit.相思树畔,脉脉痴情,只被秋风漫。相恋深,相思苦,孤芳一世,到黄昏,点点滴滴。

5.From the Acacia Tree's point of view, pollen is not the cause of allergies.以阿拉伯胶树的观点,花粉并不是过敏的致因。

6.Two men died instantly, eight suffered serious wounds, but Bachir was hurled a hundred feet away into the top of an acacia tree.两人立即死亡,八人伤势严重,而贝希尔被甩到一百英尺开外的一棵金合欢树树顶上。

7.Gum Arabic: A colloidal substance, obtained from certain varieties of the acacia tree found in the Middle East. See Arabic gum.阿拉伯胶:从中东某几种阿拉伯橡胶树所得的胶质。

8.And so what does the Acacia Tree Kingdom desire to close this essay with?那阿拉伯胶树王国想要以什么来结束此文章呢?

9.It was only when we stopped for lunch under an acacia tree that he finally awoke.只有当我们停下来在阿拉伯橡胶树下享用午餐时,他终于醒了。

10.The school is really pttle more than a sandy patch of ground under an acacia tree.说是学校,其实不过是金合欢树下的一块沙地。