




1.看足球比赛 ... 5. psten to music 听音乐 6. watch football 看足球比赛 7. go to one’s party 去某人的晚会 ...

2.观看足球比赛 ... 给他一张光盘 give him a CD 观看足球比赛 watch football 去听音乐会 go to concerts ...

3.观看足球赛 ... 24. be crazy about 对。。。疯狂 25. watch football 观看足球赛 26. a great football player 一位伟大的足球选手 ...

4.是看足球 watch football matches 看球赛 watch football 是看足球 watch football matches 才是看足球比赛 ...


1."It would be really a challenge to take him out on a cold winter day to go and watch football, " his grandson Mandla Mandela said.其孙曼拉·曼德拉说:“在这样寒冷的冬天让他到室外去观看足球比赛,这对于他的健康是一个很大的挑战。”

2.Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep.还有一位是能做粘稠生面团、让我看足球、睡觉时呜咽、踢腿的大豆原料隔绝材料安装工。

3.For more of a pout, imagine your boyfriend has been away for a month. Now he comes back and wants to watch football.对于噘嘴绷脸的人,想像一下你的男朋友已经离开你一个月了,现在他回来了,想看足球。

4.I think fans watch football to be entertained. They want to see goals and forward players attacking. It's nice when you can do that.我觉得球迷来看球是来享受的。他们想看到进球和前场球员的进攻配合。你能做到这些的感觉真好。

5.Small bars are abuzz and people pile into huts hooked up to generators to watch football matches.人们涌入配备发电机的小酒吧观看足球比赛,人声鼎沸,好不热闹。

6.But I don't watch football as much as I used to.但是我现在不像以前那样看很多的橄榄球比赛了。

7.This raised the hopes of people pke Mr Hejazi that women might yet be allowed to watch football matches as men were.这燃起了诸如赫亚兹先生等一些人的希望,他们想让女人们也能像男人们一样观看足球比赛。

8.But by Monday morning, our infant son will say, 'Watch football, ' and we'll have to tell him there's none on.不过到了周一早上,我们年幼的儿子会说:“看足球吧。”

9.I always watch football on television. But I also pke basketball and gymnastics.我老是在电视上看足球角逐。可是我也喜好篮球和体操。

10.It's too late to watch football now and it's beginning to snow.现在去看足球比赛已经太晚了,何况,又开始下雪了。