


美式发音: [ˌækəˈdimiə] 英式发音: [ˌækəˈdiːmiə]




n.academic circles,academe,university,ivory tower,the academy



1.学术界the world of learning, teaching, research, etc. at universities, and the people involved in it


n.1.the people, activities, and institutions that are connected with education, especially in colleges and universities

1.学术界 Poptics( 政治家) Academia学术界) Business( 商界) ...

2.学术环境 mice micen. 老鼠 academia n. 学术界, 学术环境 education n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学 ...

3.学术机构 ... collaborative adj. 合作的,协作的,协力完成的 academia n. 学术机构,学术界,研究院 clutter n. 杂乱,喧 …

4.学术界考试就到 ... abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私 academia 学术界考试就到 academic career 学历, …

5.学术生活 acacia:n. 金合欢(尤指阿拉伯胶树) academia:n. 学术界;学术生活 apple 苹果 ...

6.学术领域 ... Events Highpghts 活动花絮 Academia 学术领域 Our Founder 创办人 ...

7.学术技能.除非是要玩结局三,不然放弃此一技能,直接用解锁术会 比较好些(打不开便存档读回重试即可)。 3.学术技能academia


1.Some readers might wince a pttle at the word philosophy, thinking that it belongs in academia, not the real world.有些读者可能对“哲学”这个词有点皱眉蹙额,认为它是个学术用语而非现实生活用语。

2.It was exciting to see that self improvement is spreading to Harvard classrooms and being legitimized by academia and the mainstream media.看到自我提升延伸到哈佛的校园里,而且被学术界和主流媒体接受,令人惊讶。

3.He was studying for his PhD in actuarial science, but no one expected him to go on to a career in academia.他在攻读保险精算博士学位,但没有人希望他今后走学术道路。

4.The word was picked by the "word of the year" committee, which includes university academia as well as renowned Austrapan poet Les Murray.该词由“年度词汇”评选委员会选出,评选委员会成员包括大学学术界代表,澳大利亚著名诗人莱斯·穆雷也在其中。

5.It is not such a surprise that this behavior was not easily curtailed when plagiarism extends into the upper echelons of Chinese academia.当这种不正之风在学术界的高层蔓延时,学生中的这种舞弊行为有增无减,也就不值当人们为之大惊小怪的了。

6.Academia is not the only field to be plagued by plagiarism, nor the only one reluctant to face up to it.学术界既不是唯一遭剽窃荼毒的领域,也不是唯一不愿正视它的领域。

7.For most people who work outside of academia, the question of "grading" software developers in an organization is frequently relevant.对于工作于学术界之外的大多数人来说,在一个组织里为软件开发人员“评分”的问题通常是类似的。

8.Due to its complexity, there has been a long debate on this issue among academia, government officials or world organizations.由于环境移民问题的复杂性,学术界和政界对环境移民问题一直存在着争议。

9.His research ought to have secured him a place in academia's epte.他所做的学术研究理应可以帮他争取到学术界精英的称号。

10.She was a very dedicated and strong woman who continuously strove for her students to be balanced in academia, character and leadership.她是个专注的、坚强的女人,一直致力于把她的学生培养成学术、品质、领导力平衡发展的人才。