


美式发音: [əkˈsid] 英式发音: [əkˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:accedes  现在分词:acceding  过去式:acceded  同义词反义词





1.~ (to sth)同意(请求、建议等)to agree to a request, proposal, etc.

He acceded to demands for his resignation.他同意要他辞职的要求。

2.~ (to sth)就任;就职;(尤指君主)即位to achieve a high position, especially to become king or queen

Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.维多利亚女王于 1837 年即位。


v.1.to do what someone wants or agree with what they say2.to formally take a position of authority, especially as a king, queen, or president

1.同意 abysmal ? adj. 深不可测的, 无底的 accede ? v. 同意 accelerate ? v. 加速,促进 ...

2.加入 acknowledge( 收到,承认); accede( 参加,加入,同意); scythe( …

3.答应 carcass 尸体;残骸 31. accede 答应,同意 antecede 先行,先于 ...

4.允诺 ac 前缀的词 accede v 允诺 同意 accelerate 加速 促进 ...

5.继承 n. 英汉航海大词典 n.同意,继承 accede 同意,就任,加入 accede ...

6.依从 process n. 进程,过程 accede v. 依从,继承 exceed v. 超越 ...

7.参加 acknowledge( 收到,承认); accede参加,加入,同意); scythe( …

8.允诺同意 ... ac 前缀的词 accede v 允诺同意 accelerate 加速促进 ...


1.For this subject, who thinks he can accede to himself by designating himself in the statement, is no more than such an object.意识的主体仅仅是如此一个客体,因为他以为他能够在陈述中表明自己身份,他就能够接纳自己。

2.I whispered Catherine that she must n't, on any account, accede to the proposal: it was entirely out of the question.我低声对凯瑟琳说无论如何她决不能同意这个提议:那是完全不能考虑的。

3.Any country of the Union which has signed this Act may ratify it, and, if it has not signed it, may accede to it.本联盟任何国家已在本议定书上签字者,可以批准本议定书,未签字者可以加入本议定书。

4.Her drive to stay consistent will prompt her to accede to your request and bring a main dish.她保持一致的趋向将会促使她同意你的请求,并且带来一份主菜。

5.It reiterates its full support to the IAEA safeguards system, and calls upon States not to join the regime to accede to the system.它重申全力支持原子可以机构的保障制度,并呼吁尚未加入该制度的国家加入该制度。

6.They would not let him accede to a tenured position in his department.他们不会让他就任系里的终身职位。

7.You were only a charming man before, but, if you accede to my proposal, you will be adorable.您以前只能算得上可爱,可如果您接受我的建议,您可就是可敬佩的了。

8.The committee regards that is cannot accede to your request for a week's leave.委员会对你休假一个星期的请求恐怕不能批准。

9.However, unpke Japan, China will not accede to calls for a sharp one-off revaluation of the renminbi.不像日本那样,中国不会答应立即对人民币进行一次性的重新估值。

10.They are ready to accede to our request for further information.我们要是还需要资料,他们乐于随时提供。