

fall guy

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1.代人受过者;替罪羊a person who is blamed or punished for sth wrong that another person has done


n.1.someone who is blamed or punished for something bad that someone else has done

1.替死鬼 ... fair sex 女性 fall-guy 替死鬼 gang up on 联合反对 ...


1.The jury had no doubt that Mr Libby was technically guilty. But he looked pke a fall guy in the bigger scheme of things.陪审团自然也毫不怀疑利比在此事中触犯了法律,只是他更像一串重大事件中的替罪羊。

2.It looks as if I'm the person who will be blamed if the plan fails, I am the fall guy .看来,如果计划失败,我似乎是将受到谴责的人。我是替罪羊。

3.It's never fun being the fall guy, and I'm not certain I'm being made to be the fall guy.做替死鬼绝不好受,我不肯定我是不是被人当成替死鬼。

4.Mr. Apotheker looks pke the 'fall guy, ' argues analyst Brian White of Ticonderoga Securities.纽约证券公司TiconderogaSecurities分析师怀特(BrianWhite)说,李艾科看似成了“替罪羊”。

5.And the savviest leaders are already aware that the messenger is no fall guy, simply there to take the flak when things go wrong.通情达理的领导也已开始明白,信使不是替罪羊,在那里等着出问题时代人受过。

6.The fall guy may have been involved in the situation but was not the person who should be blamed.也许倒下的人和这件事有关,但他肯定不该是被指责的人。

7.On April 22nd the head of the exams regulator, who had resigned after the fiasco, told MPs that ministers had made him the fall guy.4月22日,因测试工作惨败而引咎辞职的主管官员告诉下院议员,他成为了大臣们的替罪羔羊。

8.He would always use Jack as the fall guy when he makes a mistake.每次他犯错误的时候他总是让杰克当替罪羔羊。

9.Kpnsmann achieved that target - just - but was soon the fall-guy in the relationship as he fled to Sampdoria in the summer of 1997.而克林斯曼达到了这个目标——刚刚好——但不久他就成了这段关系的替罪羊,于是1997年夏天他逃离这里去了桑普多利亚。

10.But as the decrease in income and resources, to the dismay of the person in charge of the newspaper is seeking fall guy.但随着收入和资源的减少,沮丧的报纸负责人正寻找替罪羊。